ARTility: When we deliver a deliberate thought-provoking art experience that invites an audience to examine life more closely, then we elevate the art with blockchain technology to offer even more.

A Primer to today’s topic: The Intrinsic Utility of art is a deliberately entered-into thought-provoking experience that invites us to examine or abandon our daily considerations and beliefs. The most engaging art has a way of connecting with us on a deeper level in ways that are often highly personal. This is the highest value art can offer the viewer, for the artist, the intrinsic benefits are many. Let us all then agree that art doesn’t need to do more than be created and be experienced. That said, it’s fun when art does do more. When that is achieved through blockchain technology, I call that “artility”.

How do I benefit from the ‘intrinsic’ of art personally?

When we say art has intrinsic utility we are pointing to the essence of what art provides that is non tangible and inseparable from the experience of viewing or possessing or engaging with the art itself, including the impressions and epiphanies that come as a result of time spent with a particular artwork.

  • Art has the power to inspire and evoke emotions in viewers. Whether it's a stunning landscape painting that transports you to a peaceful wilderness or a thought-provoking sculpture that challenges your beliefs, art has the ability to affect your mood and perspective on the world.

  • Art can serve as a reflection of society and culture. Historical artwork provides insight into the values, beliefs, and aesthetics of past societies, while contemporary art can capture the zeitgeist of our current moment.

  • Art can serve as a form of communication and self-expression. Many artists use their work as a way to convey their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and art can serve as a powerful medium for storytelling.

  • Art can have therapeutic benefits. Studies have shown that engaging with art can have positive effects on mental health and well-being, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

  • Art can be a source of education and learning. Whether it's learning about different art movements, techniques, or historical events, art has the ability to teach us about the world and expand our knowledge and understanding from another person’s perspective.

Whether it's a captivating landscape painting that transports you to a tranquil wilderness, or a thought-provoking sculpture that prompts you to question your beliefs, art has a way of connecting with us on a deeper level.

Collecting art on the blockchain is a testament to the presence of the Collector’s place in time

In addition to its emotional benefits, owning art is a meaningful testament to the value of culture and the artist's place in history. By choosing to display art in our homes or offices, we not only enrich our own lives, but we also show our appreciation for the talents and contributions of the artists who created these works.

Why has NFT art collecting appealing for art collectors?

The NFT utility of art can make collecting NFTs more interesting and rewarding for art collectors, as it adds additional layers of value, authenticity, transparency, and functionality to the digital assets.

NFT Utility refers to the added functionality or benefits that come with owning a non-fungible token (NFT). Non-fungible tokens are unique digital assets that are stored on a blockchain and can represent ownership of a variety of different things, including digital art, collectibles, and even virtual real estate.

One example of NFT utility is the ability to access certain digital content or experiences. For instance, ownership of an NFT from Maxximillian.eth might grant the holder the option to order a permanently treated digital print from Infinite Objects as an included print utility for the artwork. In this case, the NFT adds value for collectors because it not only represents ownership of the digital artwork, but also provides the holder with the ability to physically possess a format of the artwork.

What is NFT ‘print’ utility?

As a digital artist working in 4D and augmented reality and virtual reality, and having experienced my own artistic creations in these mediums, I’m convinced the best way to look at it the art I create is not inside a tiny square inside an app on the tiny screen of your smartphone.

There are two ways I recommend to experience NFT artworks, these are leading-edge digital frames: WHIM, and Infinite Objects, respectively.

Higher exposure = more pleasure from your digital art collection—displayed in a permanently treated digital print to enjoy in your physical environments.

A Supercharger from ILLI MOTORS Collection, minted on on Maxximillian's sovereign smart contract. Available in small editions on Manifold directly from the artist. ILLIST MOTORS are optimized for display in Infinite Objects.

Learn more about the ILLI MOTORS Collette Supercharger, here.

What’s the immediate benefit to art collectors for collecting NFTs as crypto assets?

NFT collectors have immediate access to a global marketplace where they have the right to sell and trade their crypto art assets because they own the digital tokens that represent the artwork. When an NFT is created, it is recorded on a blockchain, which is a decentralized, distributed ledger that allows for secure and transparent record-keeping. The blockchain allows NFT collectors to prove ownership of their NFTs and to transfer ownership to others through the process of buying and selling.

As for how much higher you should list the NFT you just collected, it really depends on a variety of factors, including the perceived value of the artwork, the demand for similar NFTs, and the current market conditions. It can be helpful to do some research and see what similar NFTs are selling for, as well as to consider the value of the artwork itself. Ultimately, the price you list for your NFT should be based on your own judgement and the value you believe the NFT holds.

In the spirit of spreading cheer this crypto winter Maxximillian continues to drop these adorable bears, available to collectors via Manifold or marketplaces Rarible.

Stay in touch. Follow the artist on Twitter:

Did you know you can also collect these blockchain Entries?

About collecting blockchain entries

Collecting a writer's blockchain blogpost on means that the writer's work is being saved and recorded on the blockchain, a decentralized digital ledger. This allows for the writer to have a permanent and unchangeable record of their work, as well as the ability to earn income from their collected posts, and enjoy the support of ‘collectors’ like a visual artist does.


Collect this post to permanently own it.
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