Introducing Miami Cans Edition SN33KAZ, STR33TWEAR designed by Maxximillian on

These generated-in-real-time one-of-a-kind sneakers are 3D works of art that offer multiple dynamic utilities.

The SN33KAZ: MIAMI CANS EDITION NFT collection offers a range of exclusive benefits, including the ability to project your digital wearable into a physical space using AR technology and the option to download 2D and 3D versions of your NFTs in various formats. Additionally, as the owner of an NFT, you have full rights to utilize it in any way you see fit, whether it be through creating merchandise, establishing a franchise, or printing it on canvas.

Listen to this cozy audio episode with Taylor Starr and Maxximilian.eth hosted by REMX on Twitter Spaces to hear about the inspiration for this collection and the others to come, and epiphanic moments that changed Maxximillian’s life—yes, really.

Here’s the audio episode.

Explore the possibilities. Go to REMX, connect your wallet, smash the REMX button and explore all the possibilities. There’s no cost to explore. Mint only what you love, or nothing at all. Don’t sleep on MIAMI CANS EDITION SN33KAZ on the REMX platform.

Mint your genesis Maxximillian SN33KAZ on REMX—or just play with the possibilities, here.

As a holder of the MIAMI CANS SN33KAZ token, you have the opportunity to claim a companion artwork that has been specially designed to complement your virtual reality sneakers. By owning both the sneakers and the companion artwork, you will possess a combination of tokens that offers even greater utility. Don't miss your chance to own these exclusive items.

STR33TWEAR Community Drop

To participate in the community NFT art drop, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the STR33TWEAR Metaverse showroom between now and January 21st, and post a screenshot of your avatar standing in front of the NEONS artwork that resonates most with you, and adding your screenshot to either or both of these tweets as a comment/reply. If you post your photo comment and hashtag on each, that’s twice as likely you are to win.


    Be following @XXIMIW3L and @the_RAW_DAO on Twitter to be eligible.

  3. Finish the sentence in your comment “It’s the ——- for me.” And fill in what attracts you to the piece—but in a single word. Be sure to use the hashtag #STR33TWEAR in your comment.

  4. Like the post on Twitter, and Retweet it if you’re so inclined.

The winning selection will be announced on January 21st by verifiably random selection of eligible peeps who participated, and their choice will become the community drop.

The winner's selection will become a community drop which in this case means it’s available for anyone in the community to claim regardless of what other tokens they hold. Don't miss your opp to cop. Tell a fren.

Visit the STR33TWEAR showroom to make your selection for the Community Drop, announced in Spatial Metaverse on the next Snow Moon, January 21st.

Our People’s Choice NEON Collection NFT will be announced during the Snow Moon gathering on January 21st at 4:17PM PST—hosted by Maxximillian.eth, Mo Casso of RAW DAO and frens.

Here’s our agenda:

Arrive by 4:30PM PST to collect your digital fashion POAP!

  • 4PM - Introductions and announcements

  • 4:17 - Community drop selection announcement

  • 4:20 - Snow Moon Celebration DJ set

  • 4:44 - Community Appreciation & Partner Announcements

  • 5PM - Afterparty in another metaverse location

RSVP for the events here. There’s an after party in another nearby metaverse for those who’d like to network face to face. If that interests you, here’s an invite.

If you’re ready to see the art to share your selection, here’s the portal to the STR33TWEAR metaverse showroom.

Collect this post to permanently own it.
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