Private NFT Sales: A Guide for Art Collectors, NFT Utility Enthusiasts, and the NFT Curious

Especially for speculative art collectors, digital fashion appreciators, and people who continue to find themselves leaning into the latest most innovative technology

See the artistic inspiration for Maxximillian’s REMX digital fashion collections: Miami Cans SN33KAZ, GOLD3N MER, and TIG3R LILY in the presentation of STR33TWEAR by Maxximillian.eth, here.

Subscribe to the calendar of MAXXIMILLIAN digital fashion asset drops, here.

→ Why private token sales? → How to participate in private token sales → SN33KAZ, STR33WEAR & TIG3R LILY → Private sale perks you still may be able to claim → Digital Fashion Calendar → Snow Moon Gathering, January 21st 2023

NFT creators Incentivize early adopters with private sales; collector-ambassadors spread the word and help the project gain traction in the beginning

Whether it’s art or digital fashion assets, collecting from a private sale opportunity consistently offers more rewards.

In the world of cryptocurrency, Private Sales refer to the most auspicious buying opportunity for an art collector or utility token, and digital fashion asset acquisitions. In addition to being a way artists tokenize, distribute and sell art, and a way web3 developers deliver information and services, plus being a way for people to make peer-to-peer transfers—in moments, the sale of NFT tokens is also a way to collect digital assets that can be bought, sold and traded on cryptocurrency exchanges, sometimes with extremely worthwhile perks and the potential for financial gains. These tokens change ownership by way of sales rather than auctions and the sales are often conducted in two stages: a private sale and a public sale.

Private sales are by far the most ideal way to collect digital assets.

During the private sale, tokens are typically offered at a discounted price to a select group of buyers, often from an allow list. This private sale is offered in order to generate interest in the NFT project and build an active community of early adopters and supporters.

There are several reasons why it benefits all parties to offer tokens at a discounted price during the private sale. One reason is to incentivize early adopters and reward them for being visionaries and seeing the potential of the project. These early supporters are often seen as key to the success of the project, as they can help spread the word and create buzz around the project. By offering these early adopters a discounted token price, the creator is able to build a strong foundation of support and create a sense of exclusivity around the token sale.

Another reason for offering discounted prices during the private sale is to raise funds more quickly. By offering a discount, the company or organization can potentially attract more buyers. The token creator can also incentive sales in multiples to already interested collectors. This can be particularly synergistic to meeting certain milestones in order to move forward with project deadlines.

Private sales for digital fashion assets can offer collectors the chance to acquire rare or exclusive items, gain early access to new feature releases, potentially secure discounted prices on physical merchandise, and potentially benefit from access to token-gated opportunities. During our REMX X SN33KAZ private sales we typically offer a token price savings of about thirty percent to the collector who collects during this phase.

As The Year of the Tiger comes to a close, Maxximillian.eth integrates the wisdom of the year and acknowledges with gratitude the period and its opportunities and challenges. Above: NFT Art by Maxximillian.eth from her TIG3R LILY series. See it in the STR33TWEAR metaverse showroom from any smartphone or mobile device.

How does a collector who is new to the creator get invited to a private sale?

One of the most effective ways to dial yourself in to private sales is by regularly participating in online audio discussions, following NFT projects and creators on social media, and researching your own interests and recording your own daily insights about the NFT space. You’ll learn a lot about the space by engaging in conversations about NFT projects and with NFT utility creators, who may invite you to participate in private sales or other allow list exclusive events. Take notes, look up concepts and whatever is unfamiliar to you when you’re listening in. Make a date with yourself once a week to review your notes and fully research anything you’ve written down, and take action from there in alignment with what’s right for you and your lifestyle. Whatever you do, do it from a position of power. Don’t wait until it’s too late to take advantage of by waiting until ‘later’ to check it out; likewise, don’t defer researching a project until you run out of time to properly research it first.

When I discover something new and interesting, I don’t save it for a rainy day, it’s better to research it as soon as possible. There’s a reason I heard about it right at this moment. Timely research helps along good luck.

Network with other collectors and industry insiders: Another way to increase your chances of getting invited to a private sale is to connect with other collectors and collection-centric groups. This can include reaching out to NFT projects and creators directly, joining online groups on Discord and forums like Reddit, and attending in-person events, metaverse events, and conferences. By building relationships with key players in the NFT space with aesthetics and missions that genuinely pique your interest, you’ll find it worthwhile to have insider access to private sales and other small edition and limited engagement opportunities.

Stay up to date on the latest NFT projects and private sales: Finally, it's important to keep an eye on social media and other online channels to stay informed about the latest NFT projects and private sales. This can include following NFT projects and creators on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Telegram, as well as subscribing to newsletters and joining online communities like Discord channels focused on the events and opportunities in NFTs. By participating in community conversations and staying up to date on the latest NFT projects and private sales, you'll be in a better position to participate.

Especially if you're a new collector or artist, network with other collectors and NFT artists to stay up to date on the latest NFT project creator/founder interviews on Twitter Spaces, and to hear about allow list opportunities and private sales. Word of mouth is still where I hear about the best opportunities.

By following these strategies, you'll be in position to hear about and gain access to an allow list to participate in private sales.

Here are five reasons why a private sale is the most opportune time to collect digital assets:

Limited availability: Digital fashion assets are often smaller editions and may only be available for purchase during a private sale intended for a smaller more niche audience, which can make them more exclusive and sought after.

Early access: Private sales often give collectors the opportunity to collect assets before they are made available to the general public, a unique opportunity for a collector to front-run trends in digital assets. This can be especially valuable for rare or highly coveted items.

Potentially lower prices: Private sales may offer digital fashion assets at community prices, as the artist may be an artist like Maxximillian.eth who regularly rewards collectors with digital assets for their continued support.

More personal experience: Private sales can be a more rewarding and satisfying experience than purchasing through a public sale or secondary marketplace for both artist and collector—but hey, all token sales that respect artist royalties are fantastic.

Brightest opportunity: A private sale may offer the best opportunity to purchase assets that have the best potential to appreciate in value. Especially when you collected during a private or presale at a special lower price, your token appreciates in value at the opening of the public sale.

Learn more about MIAMI CANS Edition SN33KAZ, here.

Holders of the Miami Cans Edition SN33KAZ token are eligible to claim a limited edition NFT from Maxximillian's STR33TWEAR presentation of NFT art on January 21st during the Snow Moon gathering in Spatial Metaverse at 4pm Pacific Time, an hour long community appreciation event. All are welcomed. Subscribe to Maxximillian's Digital Fashion Drops calendar for timely reminders of digital fashion events.

Digital Fashion Calendar of Scheduled Events

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About Collecting Entries on

Collecting a writer's blockchain blogpost on means that the writer's work is being saved and recorded on the blockchain, a decentralized digital ledger. This allows for the writer to have a permanent and unchangeable record of their work, as well as the ability to earn income from their collected posts, and enjoy the support of ‘collectors’ like a visual artist does.

Mentioned in this issue

STR33TWEAR metaverse showroom, where you can see the companion art collection for MIAMI CANS EDITION SN33KAZ. experience it for yourself, here.

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