Enhancing Internet Security with Interlock

Making Web3 Browsing Safer & Secure

Interlock stands out as a forward-thinking initiative focused on bolstering internet security through a unique approach where users can stake tokens to enhance its security products. Among these products is ThreatSlayer, an advanced browser extension crafted to shield users from online threats. Utilizing a blend of AI threat detection and user submissions, our technology is adept at identifying malicious actors within the web3 realm. This article delves into the mechanics of token staking and crowdsourcing within the $ILOCK ecosystem, shedding light on how these processes fortify the platform's security infrastructure.

Earning $ILOCK: Various Methods

1. Anonymized Security Data Sharing

2. Browsing with ThreatSlayer Extension

3. Staking on Grey-Area Entities

Reward Structure

- Random Component: Users may receive rewards of varying and unpredictable sizes.

- Determinism: Reward allocation depends on the amount and uniqueness of shared data, along with its assigned value-score.

Additional Incentives and Programs

- Bounty-Hunter Program: Users using a secure web browser can earn more rewards.

- User Progression: Ordinary users can advance to become bounty hunters.

Preventing Abuse and Manipulation

- Semi-Automation Approach: Avoiding full automation to prevent repetitive attacks.

- Pending-State Approval: Links must be approved before staking is allowed.

- Tools for Reviewers: Developing tools for easier evaluation as submissions increase.

- Limiting Stake Parameters: Maximum stake amounts, per-user stakes, and stake-yields are controlled.

- Initial Stake Requirement: Submitters must place an initial stake, risking loss if submissions are rejected.

- Submission Restrictions: Sites that conflict with heuristics are not accepted.

Maintaining Transparency and Trust

- Public Database: Accessible database of submitted, approved, rejected, and closed links.

- Rejection Comments: Reasons for rejection provided.

- Stake Information: Displaying staked and earned amounts for each link.


Interlock's innovative approach to internet security, incorporating token staking, crowdsourcing, and heuristic classification, shows significant potential in bolstering online user safety. Through ongoing refinement of techniques and leveraging user input, the goal is to cultivate a more secure browsing environment for all. By conducting thorough smart contract audits and implementing transparent practices, Interlock underscores its dedication to upholding top-tier security standards, proactively managing risks, and fortifying the platform's dependability and credibility. With diverse earning methods for $ILOCK and enticing incentive schemes, Interlock actively promotes user involvement and contributions, further fortifying the platform's overall security posture.

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