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Cultural extensions of blockchain in an onchain ecosystem.

Angry because I have to do work.

Building Bridges: Onchain Education


Everybody wants their dreams to come true, but want it to happen on their timeline. 

But it takes longer than they expect, and that's the real test.

If you don't want it more than you did on the days where everything was rainbows and sunshine, you won't make it. You can't be an artist one day, and a game designer the next. You can't be a political debater during election time, but not care about any of the electives in the office. You need to go all in on one thing.

The worst mistake people make in their life is skipping the basics. - Maya Angelou.

When it comes to college education, you must learn the basics; math, reading, history, etc. Before you can get into the high-level stuff. Why should it be any different onchain?

If we had the power to reshape the entire world into one country, what would it look like?

Image of a 1 continent planet, Pangea. With modern day borders.

Notice how big countries seemingly become smaller, and if you've traveled. You see fringes between lands where the US Dollar's Power ΒΎ is Divided, in different power levels.

Imagine... Florida right next to Venezuela. Ron Desantis wouldn't be a huge fan of this. But what are the actual outcomes of a global economy where these two pieces of land hypothetically connect, and how can we diagnose key features to help us improve our onchain landscape?

Here's a quick article speaking on the US Dollar's use-case in Venezuela and the effects.

Proposal 477

Nouns DAO's Prop 477: Maybe a historical DAO proposal for funding that turns into a beautiful success story, or an epic failure on behalf of groupthink decision making.

User: 0xfb8e7520e8dd1c14fc73552cc6daa35b68b061444ad800d8e2c8422a6970938b created a very detail-oriented proposition to remodel an old Uganda school-yard into a modern day monument, featuring bright complementary colors and waterpark styled design. The benefit? Proliferating the quality of life for future generations to come, and shining a light on the beauty of what Nouns DAO can do.

With a group like Nouns DAO, and a treasury of over $10 Million dollars, the estimated pricing of $228,000 doesn't seem like too much money for a big group with dreams of grandeur. That's only breaking 2% of the bank, and generating a lifetime of philanthropic attention, marketing, and branding for the Decentralized Non-Profit company: Nouns.

The proposal passed but recently they created another one. Apparently the $228,000 was not enough for all of the construction costs, now the community is torn between what to do because 9 months later, it still isn't finished. Most are saying labor costs get mixed up, people make mistakes, others say it's a sunk cost. I choose to believe with the right team, seeing the goal through could definitely be worth it in the end.

Nuances Of A Global Onchain Economy

Back to the Pangea method, languages and the pronunciation of words aren't the only thing that's different when it comes to other cultures and languages.

Let's look at India for example:
In the Indian numeral system, there are several unique ways of expressing large numbers, which are not commonly used in the American numeral system. These include:

  • Crore: 10 million (100 lakhs)

  • Lakh: 100,000 (10,000)

  • Thousand: 1,000

  • Ones: 1

In American culture, bullying is acceptable. Freedom speech isn't restricted at all like it is in France or UK. Due to this, racist slurs developed towards primarily Indian people who "sell early" and spook buyers somehow became a thing. It's easy to find a target for your problems outside yourself, but in a global onchain economy you should be respectful. They aren't selling too fast, they're just crunching the numbers much faster than you and beating you at your game.

Oftentimes in American culture, we tend to create these verbose terms that hang loosely on artificial concepts. We see it in; lifestyle blogs, spiritual groups, and pseudo-sciences.

Misnomers occur in Web3 all the time, because we look for quick ways to label things, to categorize them and communicate them later to other humans.

A misnomer is when something or someone is given a label that doesn't accurately reflect it's true meaning or nature. For example, calling a koala a "bear" is a misnomer, because koalas aren't bearsβ€”they're marsupials.

But it's an impossible task to convince everyone in the world to stop saying koala bear.
So.... how to we avoid this, and what are some Web3 Misnomers?

Web3 Misnomers

  • Decentralized: There will always be an account owner, or brand owner.

  • Immutable: Almost all of the Smart Contracts have editable features.

  • Builder: This term is given to developers but most are not building physical products, they are coding things and creating software.

  • Decentralized Autonomous Organization: The Decentralization can vary, the autonomy is not full, meaning execution still requires manual imput, and there's still a lot of work keeping up.

The Labor Landscape in a Global Digital Economy

The rise of Web3 and blockchain technology is reshaping our understanding of work, value, and education. As we transition into this new paradigm, it's crucial to recognize the shifting dynamics of labor and skills in a globally connected digital world.

Education: The Cornerstone of the Digital Future

In the writings of Karl Marx, we find a prescient warning: automation will first render educated jobs obsolete before affecting manual labor. This insight takes on new significance in our Web3 era. As smart contracts automate complex processes and decentralized systems disrupt traditional industries, we must ask ourselves: What skills will remain relevant?
The answer lies in continuous learning and adaptation. The global onchain economy demands a workforce that's not just tech-savvy, but also capable of critical thinking, problem-solving, and interdisciplinary understanding. This is where education becomes not just important, but essential.

The Digital Library: A Bridge to the Future

If you can imagine a world where access to knowledge isn't limited by geographical boundaries or economic constraints. You are for crypto. Learning materials must be available for our younger generations, they must be verifiable, and accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This is the promise of a blockchain-based digital library like Mental Wealth Academy.

By leveraging blockchain technology, we can create a decentralized repository of human knowledge that's:

  1. Censorship-resistant: No single entity can control or manipulate the information.

  2. Transparent: The provenance of each piece of information is traceable and verifiable.

  3. Accessible: Anyone, anywhere can access the library, breaking down barriers to education.

  4. Collaborative: Scholars and learners worldwide can contribute, peer-review, and update content in real-time.

This isn't just a technological innovation; it's a reimagining of how we share, acquire, and consume knowledge in a global context.

Solving the Lending Problem

Traditional libraries face challenges with lending digital materials due to copyright restrictions and the ease of duplication. Mental Wealth Academy DAO solves this with novel solutions:

  1. Smart contract-based lending: Automatically enforce lending periods and access rights.

  2. Tokenized ownership: Allow for fractional ownership of digital assets, enabling new models of collaborative purchasing and lending.

  3. Micro-payments for access: Enable pay-per-view or subscription models that fairly compensate content creators while maintaining accessibility.

    The DAO's governance model will bring millions onchain, new Coinbase sign-ups, our custom wallet engrained, and more transactions making the UI/UX even smoother than any other e-reader app.

The Global Onchain Classroom

As we build this digital library, we're not just creating a repository of information. We're laying the foundation for a global onchain classroom. Imagine courses where:

  • Students from Lagos collaborate with peers in London on blockchain-verified assignments.

  • A programmer in Bangalore earns a verifiable certificate by completing a smart contract course.

  • An aspiring entrepreneur in rural China accesses cutting-edge business strategies through tokenized course materials.

This isn't just education; it's the democratization of opportunity on a global scale. This is an investment that isn't touched by many companies in America. We look at Udemy, Coursera, Flashcards, all these companies make millions except the data isn't onchain, and isn't accessible to everyone onchain.

Navigating the Complexities

Of course, building this system comes with challenges. We must grapple with:

  1. Digital divide: Ensuring equitable access in areas with limited internet connectivity.

  2. Content curation: Balancing open access with the need for quality control.

  3. Privacy concerns: Protecting user data while maintaining transparency. (ZK Rollups)

  4. Regulatory hurdles: Navigating the complex landscape of international copyright laws.

These challenges are significant, but they're not insurmountable. Because all we have to do is leverage the collective intelligence of the Web3 community, we can create solutions that are as innovative and complex as the problems they solve.

Conclusion: Build the Future of Learning

As we stand at the cusp of this new era, the potential of a blockchain-based digital library becomes clear. It's not just about books or courses; it's about reimagining how humanity collaborates, shares, and accesses knowledge.

But embracing this vision requires hard work and time. The type of work that may take a lifetime without seeing any results, not because there are so many cultural differences.

But because we still need to get used to living in Pangea, and dealing with online teenagers that have fun being creative and silly, that may battle depression, and mental illnesses, that may have been raised in trauma and broken experiences, and bad things like pornography, addiction, and heart-breaks that affect us.

The world requires more empathy and internet etiquette for everyone. The world requires more video connection and normalization of human bonds and boundaries. We're actively reshaping it, creating a world where education is boundless, verifiable, and accessible to all.

But too fast and we may crash.

The journey ahead is complex, but the destination is worth the effort. As we build this new infrastructure for global learning, we're not just coding smart contracts or designing user interfaces. We're laying the foundation for a more educated, connected, and equitable world.

So, please I implore you. To help me carry this dream that I carry even when everything in life is good. I know it's not good for everyone and I want to proliferate this dream to the world.

PLEASE: CLICK HERE and follow us on all of our social medias. Help us make noise and proliferate the seed of growing an onchain garden where everyone can learn.


Thank you.


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#onchain economy#democratized knowledge#blockchain-verified certificates#decentralized learning platforms#crypto-based education access