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About Onchain Gaias

and the artificial intelligence scams

I saw a post from ciniz on Warpcast earlier today and I wanted to take the opportunity to talk about artificial intelligence and blockchain. I've yet to see a single project that has anything to actually do with AI, and It's clear to me that all of those tokens are simply using the hype around AI to take advantage of people's understanding of what AI is and what AI can do to make a profit.

Ciniz is no different than any other project here. Let's take a look at this mint from the above post and the associated whitepaper:

Imagine a world where the power to shape the future of artificial intelligence is in your hands. A world where you don't need to be a tech giant or a wealthy corporation to make a difference and own a piece of the future. That's the vision behind Onchain Gaias (OGs) – a revolutionary platform that puts the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) within reach of everyday people.

Sounds great, but thats about where it ends. Let's break down what this whitepaper is trying to tell us.

Lie #1

The world of AI has been dominated by a select few companies with deep pockets and vast computing resources. This concentration of power has created significant barriers for average people to participate and contribute their ideas. The rapid advancements in AI are largely controlled by and siloed within these tech giants, leaving everyday individuals with little say in how this transformative technology is developed and used. As a result, the future of AI – and by extension, the future of our world – is being shaped by the narrow interests of a few powerful corporations, rather than the collective wisdom and values of humanity as a whole.

If you're only thinking about OpenAI and ChatGPT, Google's Gemini then sure, you might think that Microsoft and Google have a near monopoly on AI. However, this couldn't be further from the truth, there are thousands of startups who are working on all different things within AI. Just because you are someone who doesn't actually understand what AI is (thinking it's just ChatGPT) then you have no conceptual idea of what is happening in the world of AI. The actual only truth in the above writing is that computing resources do require a lot of money.

Lie #2

But what if there was a way to level the playing field? What if everyone, everywhere, could contribute to the development of AGI and benefit from its progress? This is where OGs come in. By harnessing the global appeal of gaming and gambling, OGs creates a decentralized network where anyone can train sophisticated AI models, known as Gaias (General AI Agents), through the simple act of playing games. The platform operates on blockchain technology, ensuring fair, transparent, and secure computation. As the OGs network grows, it can leverage more advanced infrastructure to support increasingly complex games and AI models.

The problem here is that the author has absolutely NO understanding of how machine learning or deep learning models are trained. Sure, you could make a game, and you could have a deep learning model that is taking in patterns from how people play the game, and train it....essentially you're looking at something like Alpha Go, or a program that you play Chess against. But what good is this actually going to provide? By simply playing a game you're not contributing anything but training that specific game...there is no world changing / groundbreaking anything here.

Lie #3

As the OGs platform grows, it will introduce increasingly complex games and environments, fostering the development of more advanced Gaias. By enabling the transfer of learned skills and behaviors across different domains, OGs lays the groundwork for the emergence of artificial general intelligence. However, OGs isn't just about technical progress; it's about creating a more equitable and accessible future for AI development. By aligning incentives and fostering collaboration among a diverse global community, OGs challenges the current paradigm of centralized AI development, putting the power back in the hands of the people.

Again, you're not doing anything except giving data about patterns within the specific "game" you are playing. If it's chess, checkers, go, majong...whatever it is, you can't take this "training data" and transfer it to something else.

If you built a model to predict how far Babe Ruth would hit a home run, you would take into account all sorts of variables specific to Babe Ruth. Height, weight, bat weight, bat length, bat wood material, angle of attack (swing) etc. etc. If you tried to "transfer" this model to predict Mike Trout, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds or any other basebal wont do anything because you've overfit the model for Babe Ruth.

As for the rest of the's pure snake oil, and people fall for it because they think AI is magic, when in reality is just a man behind the curtain and not some magical wizardry.

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