Cover photo


A Photo Documentary


Unrest is a photography series depicting older people’s restlessness due to everyday hardship. In their twilight years, instead of slowing down after a lifetime of hard work, they have to walk the street to make a living.

Seeing older people working hard on the streets to survive breaks my heart. This is, unfortunately, a typical picture across Asia.

Even in advanced economies like South Korea or Singapore, it isn't unusual to see elderly cleaners, roadside vendors, and fragile-looking trash collectors. In South Korea alone, 3 million seniors live in poverty. The rapid ageing of the population, combined with insufficient pension systems and a high cost of living, forces many elderly individuals to continue working well past retirement age.

The situation is worse in lower-income countries like Indonesia or Vietnam. Seniors still have to work hard to support the families of their offspring or themselves. Many elderly people in these regions lack access to social security or adequate healthcare, which exacerbates their need to work. Yet, despite the struggle, they perform these unskilled tasks often with surprising enthusiasm and dignity!

Artistic Approach

I shot these pictures on a trip to Indonesia in 2022. The stark contrast between the subjects' advanced age and their laborious tasks highlights the injustice they face while showcasing their unwavering dignity. I wanted to capture with this the taff reality and the inner strength of these individuals. Through careful composition and evocative lighting, my intention with this series is to document a socio-economic issue and elevate the subjects to a place of respect and admiration.


This series highlights the urgent need for better social policies and support systems to ensure that elderly people can live comfortably and with dignity in their later years without the constant challenges of poverty and hardship.

Further reading on this topic:

Where to Mint

I have priced these works very low as I don’t intend to profit from this topic.
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