Understanding the beauty of the unplanned journey.

I believe that life’s most beautiful journeys are the ones we don’t plan.

Maybe we don’t even know we’re on a journey until we look back with the wisdom gained and see how far we’ve come. This has been the path of my relationship with plants. A leisurely stroll as the familiar becomes unfamiliar and then familiar again.

The start of this journey came as a gift from my wise Uncle.

He was enthusiastic about his lawn, spending hours each week on its care. His garden, maintained with the same dedication, traced the fence line with stalks reaching toward the sun. Ever curious, I listened intently as he spoke about his plants and his technique for abundant yields.

This interest led to an unexpected gift of three potted seedlings – tomato, green pepper and mint – delivered to my doorstep and entrusted to my care.

I placed the pots in the sunniest part of the small backyard and waited for nature to do its thing. The plants bloomed easily, as if I were the most skilled gardener to ever grow. I credit my uncle with choosing plants that were tolerant and forgiving.

Seeing those seedlings thrive grew my confidence in gardening and sparked my wonder. I marveled as blooming flowers gave way to budding veggies that took on familiar shapes and colors. Bugs that I’d ignored became welcome guests and friends as they buzzed and fluttered around the blossoms.

As book knowledge jumped off the pages and came to life, the joy of gardening took root.

I loved telling anyone who’d listen, that I – with an air of mischief – had several pot plants in my backyard. Watching their reactions and then transformation when I clarified – plants in pots – never got old. I snapped pictures of those buds like they were babies and investigated through observation and Google the miracles of nature.

Plants are magical and I’m forever changed by the seed my wise Uncle planted in me. Not only did those first weedy stalks encourage me to keep going and expand my garden, but I’ve come to see myself and life differently during this journey.

I now understand why he gifted me those plants.

Growing is too good to keep to oneself. It’s impacted me so much that I’m motivated to share my revelations, in a series of articles, as I continue learning, exploring and growing. I’m also gifting plants to those around me.

Following in my wise Uncle’s footsteps, I eagerly gifted a plant to my nieces when they moved into their first apartment. On a visit weeks later, I remarked on how good the plant looked. They appeared confused and asked if the plant was real. When I confirmed, the oldest groaned and with the bluntness of a Gemini whined, “We have to take care of this? We didn’t ask for this.” I smiled knowingly.

Like my wise Uncle, I’d given a no-fuss plant that would forgive a bit of neglect. And I am confident in the opportunity of the gifts we don’t ask for.

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