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Seasons of Mobility - The Life of Trains, Buses, and Cars 🚅✨🌌

Seasons of Mobility is an art collection that explores a post-human world where the autonomous vehicles that we created have evolved into a new species known as Mobility. The art collection can be browsed on Sansa, while the actual images in full-resolution are best viewed directly on IPFS.

In this collection, trains, buses, and cars are not just modes of transport but embodiments of deeper ideas. Trains represent systems, buses symbolize communities, and cars stand for individuals.

Trains serve as a metaphor for the way systems evolve to become more than the sum of their parts. They might develop their own automated and adaptive protocols for decision-making, problem-solving, and even self-improvement, reflecting a form of intelligence that is distributed and decentralized. This raises questions about the nature of intelligence and consciousness in entities that are, at their core, systems designed for efficiency and connectivity.

Buses within this collection reflect the concept of communities, including how they continue to evolve in a world where humanity has ceased to exist. Traditionally designed to serve communal transportation needs of humans, buses are transformed into the bearers of community values and social interactions among the sentient machines of Mobility. Human culture, in this context, may invite a form of nostalgia among the members of Mobility about a world long gone. Our world.

Cars in the world of Mobility continue our human legacy of the individual, now as sentient machines in a post-human world. They represent the pursuit of individual goals, exploration, and self-discovery. This perspective allows us to ponder the nature of individuality in a society of machines, including how autonomous entities might define their purpose, express their uniqueness, and interact with the world around them on a personal level. What types of journeys will they embark upon to find meaning and fulfillment?

The interplay between systems, communities, and individuals in Mobility creates a dynamic and adaptive society. It's a world where the borders between mechanical function and sentient existence have been banished, giving rise to complex social structures and interactions that mirror aspects of human society while evolving beyond it.

Seasons of Mobility invites us to ponder the legacy of our systems, our communities, and ourselves as individuals. What impact will we have on future species after humanity is long gone?

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