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Unlocking the Power of SocialFi: How to Maximize Your Returns with DistrictOne and Blast Points Multiplier x2

The Blast Network has introduced an exciting new feature that is stirring interest across the DeFi community: the Blast Points Multiplier x2. Specifically designed for SocialFi enthusiasts, this new feature is integrated with DistrictOne, a prominent platform within the Blast ecosystem other SocialFi such as Fantasy, EarlyFan are also included.

In this article, I will be going through the process of using DistrictOne to not only engage with the community but also double your Blast points, thereby enhancing your returns significantly.

Understanding DistrictOne and Blast Points Multiplier x2

DistrictOne is at the forefront of combining social networking with financial incentives, a concept at the heart of SocialFi. By participating in DistrictOne, users can now benefit from the Blast Points Multiplier x2, which offers a novel way to increase their points earnings within the network.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using DistrictOne

To make the most of the x2 multiplier, users need to follow these steps to engage actively with DistrictOne:

Step 1: Logging In

  • Access DistrictOne: Start by logging into the DistrictOne platform with your Blast Network Wallet.

Step 2: Using an Invite Code

click on image referral link is already embed.
  • Enter Code: If you have an invite code, enter it upon signing up to become part of a specific community or space within DistrictOne.

  • 52TWL8 if you prefer to manually enter it.

Step 3: Becoming a sOLE

I can't exactly remember the price of it i remember it was around $80 USD when i first did it but i suggest you do it as it gives you all the benefits of using DistrictOne and boosted gems!
  • Stake Your Assets: Become a sOLE by staking your assets, which grants you various benefits, including enhanced influence within the platform.

  • 300% Boost in space when claiming Gems drop by the space during Rally.

  • Blast & OLE airdrop!

Step 4: Buying Your First Share

Unsure what to buy, you are welcome to support my space link embed in the image 😋
  • Investment: Purchase your first share in one of the many available spaces to start earning from its growth and dividends in gems & OLE token when people purchase the share or when the host drops gems.

Step 5: Selling Your First Share

  • Trading: Learn how to sell your shares within the platform to realize profits or reallocate resources.

Step 6: Rallying (limiting to 4 times a day every 2hours)

Every 2 hours there will be a rally, you can click here to support the space! you are limited to doing it 4 times a day as a sOLE holder you get boosted reward when the gems drop.
  • Participation: Take part in rallies organized by spaces to earn additional rewards and boost your multiplier effect.

Step 7: Voting for Rewards on Prime daily (Limited to 3 times a day)

  • Voting for your favourite space: Engage in the community by voting for your favorite spaces, helping them grow and earning rewards in return.

  • You get 500 Gems for voting & most spaces actually give rewards to vote for them!

Step 8: Claiming Gems Airdrop

  • Airdrops: Stay active to qualify for gems airdrops by DistrictOne, adding further to your asset pool.

What are Gems?

Gems in DistrictOne serve as a secondary reward system that users can earn through active participation. These Gems will eventually equates to Blast Gold & OLE rewards as shared above.

Achieving the 2x Multiplier

By engaging with the features and community within DistrictOne, users can activate the Blast Points Multiplier x2. This not only enhances the points earned through various activities but also significantly increases the financial returns from rallies, trading, and more.


The introduction of the Blast Points Multiplier x2 in DistrictOne represents a significant step forward for the SocialFi domain within the Blast Network. By following the steps outlined in this guide, users can maximize their engagement and returns in an innovative and socially-driven financial ecosystem. As DistrictOne continues to evolve, the opportunities for users to grow their assets and influence within this space are boundless.

As a participant in DistrictOne, I've had the opportunity to explore various spaces within the platform. Here’s a list of spaces I am actively involved in and am particularly bullish

  1. My personal space 🥳

  2. AgentFi Space

  3. Particle

  4. DTX x Decoded

  5. Lil Auntie

If you join! hop by to chat! If not thanks for reading!

Connect with me [linktree of web3] :
Twitter: @0xMojojo
Twitter: Decodedio

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