We are pleased to announce the official release of version 1.0 of the Trust.Supply Masternode GUI. This powerful new graphic-user-interface makes it easier to use our updated command-line-interface marking a significant milestone in our journey to streamline and enhance our masternode operations as we transition from a year of beta testing to a live MVP. Designed with both efficiency and user experience in mind, the Trust.Supply Masternode GUI empowers users to seamlessly manage and deploy masternodes, ensuring robust security, improved performance, and improved community engagement.
Whether you're a seasoned node runner or new to proof-of-stake blockchain technology, this tool is set to elevate the way you interact with our noval masternode ecosystem. Designed specifically to validate our partners and customers supply chain data by creating one immutable truth that all stakeholders can share and trust when optimizing their frictionless global supply chains.
Make sure your browser wallet extensions are activated. (MetaMask or Wallet Connect is recommended)
Login into the trust.supply.
Connect Wallet for web3 confirmation
If you have never installed the CLI before, click Instructions under your Username Menu and follow the steps.
Head to the My Nodes.
Make sure KYC is passed and the necessary amount of MNW tokens are bridged to Polygon.
Hint: If you’re on the wrong network, the system will offer to switch it to Polygon Mainnet. Clicking on Switch Network will show a popup confirming switch to the Polygon Mainnet.
Hint: If you don't see an option to Switch Network, it likely means you do not have MetaMask extension installed in your browser. Log out and install extension before restarting the process.
Next, click Setup Active Node to begin the staking process.
Hint: Before you continue, make sure if you had your node running in the previous phase that you stop the process before continuing.
Login to your VPS
Type status command
Hint: If you see something like this, that means you have technical node still running without active staking.
Run these 2 commands to stop the technical node and logout afterwards to avoid waiting for admins to force logout for you.
To stop technical node:
To logout:
Hint: You should see similar response from the screenshot above.
Next, upon clicking Setup Active Node - the staking terms will be presented to you.
Read carefully and find the confirmation in the end of the terms marked before hitting Continue.
Hint: The T&Cs have been updated from previous versions so make extra sure you are in full compliance before proceeding.
Next, you will be ready to restart your technical node and confirm staking.
Hint: If you don’t get ready technical node you will see the mistake similar to screenshot below.
To start the node, you need to first check if you’re on the latest version by running:
The output should say 1.0.0
Next you, run the command:
The system will ask you to input your email, and provide a verification code sent to that email. The email must match the one you have used to access trust.supply and where KYC is greenlighted.
You should see similar to screenshot output if all is good.
Finally, run:
As system suggested, to confirm that technical node successfully started; you should see output similar to the one below.
It clearly indicates that technical node has been started but the staking isn’t made.
Now, upon re-running Ready to Stake you should see successful outcome.
On the next step, specify how much you want to stake. (We don’t have limitations anymore) and confirm.
Hint: Metamask will popup to confirm the allowance to stake.
Confirm and Approve the gas fee. Upon successful staking, it will take some time before you will be able to see your node running.
Congratulations on becoming a member of the Trust.Supply masternode ecosystem!
For technical assistance or to report a bug, please go to our official Discord Page and engage with one of our many knowledgeable admins live or create a Support Ticket by clicking on the Chat Bubble in the CLI. Please allow 24 hours for a support ticket reply.
Morpheus.Network is intensely focused on helping companies and government organizations eliminate inefficiencies and remove barriers to optimize and automate enterprise supply chain operations. Their multi-award winning supply chain middleware platform leverages transformational digital technologies such as ML/AI, IoT and Blockchain and has over 150 integrations with leading companies, including SAP, DHL, Fedex, Cargowise, Dimitra, Telefonica, Marsh, Swift and more! Morpheus.Network helps clients maximize revenue through digitization and process automation, protecting sensitive data, and untangling complex issues with the legacy supply chain system while delivering effective, equitable, and efficient global trade solutions.
“If you fix the supply chain, you fix the world!” - Dan Weinberger CEO & Co-Founder
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