TIL #5

Collection of things I learnt

Happy New Year 2023! I hope you have a great New Year. If you don't, it's okay. Today is going to be better than yesterday :)

This will be a recap of things that happened past few days.

X-GEN Sold Out

Previously I had this tweet up:

Then I changed the mint price to 0.001 and started to airdrop all those who minted at 0.005.

After some time, I realised the treasury had gone up 0.9xxx ETH. I thought I was dreaming. Then I checked several times and found out all 999 minted out. It was all within 10 mins.

I don't know what to say. Kinda froze back then. Then people start following me and asking me to link my Twitter to the OpenSea collection because there has been a scam project impersonating artists.

OpenSea - Twitter integration didn't work somehow. So I ended up changing the Collection description to add my Twitter acc.

It was great and unexpected. Thank you so much for minting it out

Here's the OpenSea collection if you want to have a look


X-GEN by N1

Thank you everyone for making my wish come true. Appreciate that so much. To commemorate the end of year and thank everyone, I created this artwork called 2K22-LOG.


Thank you every one of you.

Free mint to all my 900+ collectors. (TUJO, Phygital S1, N1-LAB EXP, COMLINK, HATCH MODULE, X-GEN, DinoNouns)

If you're not my previous collector, no worries. You can mint for free too

Mint link:

X-GEN Playground

Created this playground so you could click and generate random X-GEN. You could save using key 's' for PNG and 'e' for SVG.


p5.js and three.js onchain by mathcastles

Thank you Mathcastles!

You can use p5js and three.js onchain using the contract link here:



Used myspace last time? Love customizing CSS for your own profile?

Here's a clone for MySpace called Spacehey by tibush labs

There are even layouts!

You can check it out here: https://spacehey.com/

Fifa 2023 - Driven Lob

I know this one is a bit unrelated. But we keep learning every day regardless of the topic.

So I found out about a way to do driven lob. Just press R1 + Lob / RB + Lob. Make sure no one in between you and the player you want to lob to. This way the lob will be precise and faster.

Solat Bot data update

It's a new year, so I have updated the data to this year's Solat Data. Make sure you copy the latest one from this repo.


Then Redeploy your bot on Railway.

If you haven't really set up yours, you could just click the button from the readme in the repo. https://github.com/0xN1/n1-solat-bot

That's it this time around. Thank you for reading. Be sure to subscribe if you want to receive more updates. Thanks! Happy new year!

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