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Nabla "Incentivized Testnet Alpha" Launch

Incentivized Testnet Alpha is launching on 24 Jan a 11 AM UTC

Last Updated: [Feb 7, 10 AM UTC] Campaign Dates

Before the Mainnet launch, Nabla will undergo two testnet phases: Alpha and Beta.

The Testnet Alpha, being the first public testing of the product, focuses on the core features, their functionality, and UI/UX. The Testnet Beta will concentrate on stress testing, security edge cases, and security-related bug bounties.

Testnet Alpha will run four weeks from Jan 24 to Feb 19 on the Ethereum Sepolia.

Incentivized Testnet Alpha Dates

Week 1: Jan 24, 11 AM UTC - Jan 28, 11 AM UTC
Week 2: Jan 31, 11 AM UTC - Feb 4, 11 AM UTC
Week 3: Feb 9, 11 AM UTC - Feb 12, 11 AM UTC
Week 4: Feb 16, 11 AM UTC - Feb 19, 11 AM UTC

Whitelisting Criteria

We ensure a fair chance for everyone to participate in the testnet campaign. To prevent Sybil attacks, we have implemented several measures. 

  1. Any member of the Nabla community can apply to be whitelisted (to receive test tokens) by completing social quests (Galxe, etc.) OR,

  2. You can apply as a "tester" using this form if:

    • If you hold a minimum of $5000 valued assets or,

    • If you have a referral code.

All the details about our whitelisting criteria can be found here.

Applications for new test users will be accepted up to the following cutoff dates for each week:
For Week 1: Until Jan 23, 11 AM UTC
For Week 2-4: Until Feb 17 18, 11 AM UTC

The whitelisted participants will receive test tokens on those dates on the Ethereum Sepolia network.

Finally, by participating in our Social Campaigns and our Testnet, participants agree to respect our Community Guidelines and the fundamental principles of the Berlin Code of Conduct.


Testing participants will be asked to complete tasks, such as swaps or liquidity provisioning, using the provided test tokens. Detailed task descriptions can be found here

Tokenized Point Rewards

Participants will earn points through the "$AMBER Tokenized Points Program". For Testnet Alpha, 2 million $AMBER points are allocated up to 2000 participants. Each week features a distinct reward allocation and method for selecting winners: First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) or by raffle.

Week 1: FCFS for up to 500 participants and allocation of  450,000 $AMBER
Week 2: FCFS for up to 500 participants and allocation of  450,000 $AMBER
Week 3: Raffle for up to 500 participants and allocation of  450,000 $AMBER
Week 4: Raffle for up to 500 participants and allocation of  450,000 $AMBER

If a participant is found to have breached the Berlin Code of Conduct, serving as a basis for our Community Guidelines, his rewards will be redistributed to the other qualified participants.

Feedback & Bug Bounty

Participation in the Testnet does not require providing feedback. However, high-quality feedback is encouraged and will be rewarded. Up to 200,000 $AMBER will be distributed as rewards for qualified feedback and reported bugs, based on the quality and severity of the issues. The rewards are allocated for useful feedback that hasn't been previously reported.

Please use this form to provide feedback.

Eligibility for Rewards

Here's a breakdown of the criteria:

1. Add Liquidity:

  • Participants must add liquidity to at least 3 swap pools (SP) and the backstop pool (BSP).

2. Withdraw Liquidity:

  • Participants must withdraw liquidity from the SPs.

  • Participants must withdraw liquidity from the BSP.

3. Withdraw using LP Tokens:

  • Participants must withdraw from the BSP using the SP’s LP token.

  • Participants must withdraw from an overfull SP using BSP’s LP token.

4. Complete Swaps:

  • Participants must complete 3 or more swaps.

Please check out more about the tasks here.

In an FCFS rewards system, participants who have completed all these tasks will be prioritized over others. This means that if multiple participants have completed the tasks, the rewards will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, giving priority to those who completed the tasks earliest.

Participants need to adhere to the specified criteria to be eligible for rewards, and the order of completion may influence their priority in receiving rewards. If there are any additional rules or conditions, reviewing them to ensure a clear understanding of the eligibility criteria and reward distribution process is advisable.

Please note that providing feedback is “optional” and has a separate reward pool as described in “Feedback & Bug Bounty”.


  • Participants will be rewarded for only one week of testing regardless of their involvement in multiple weeks of testing.  

  • The maximum reward per user is capped at  5000 $AMBER. 

  • After evaluation based on impact, the top 100 feedback submissions will be rewarded.

  • While anyone can participate in the testnet by receiving test tokens from another participant, they will not be eligible for any $AMBER rewards unless they are whitelisted before testing begins.

Reward Distribution

Points will be automatically distributed to the corresponding wallet addresses in February.

Testnet Alpha Community

Please visit to get the "Testnet Alpha Participant" role so you can access the private channel on our Discord. 


What is a Testnet?

Testnet is a staging environment for testing blockchain applications without using real cryptocurrency. In Nabla's case, the Testnet is used for testing the functionality, security, and user experience of their platform before the Mainnet launch - using test tokens distributed to chosen participants every week, and rewarding the participation with $AMBER tokens.

What is $AMBER?

$AMBER is the on-chain community reward token in the Nabla Finance ecosystem. It is distributed as part of the Tokenized Points Program during the Testnet Alpha. More details about $AMBER can be found here.

How many $AMBER will be distributed?

  • 2 million $AMBER points will be distributed across four weeks to 2000 people, with varying methods (FCFS or raffle) for selecting winners. 

  • Each week will have an allocation of 450,000 $AMBER for up to 500 participants.

  • Up to 200,000 $AMBER will be distributed for qualified feedback about the product or reported issues/bugs

What are the criteria to participate?

To participate in the Testnet Alpha, participants can be whitelisted by completing social quests, using the provided form, or meeting specific criteria such as DeFi activity, Discord roles, holding assets on Ethereum or L2s, or having a referral code. Moreover, to respect the Community Guidelines and the Berlin Code of Conduct. Detailed criteria are available here.

Where to find the Community Guidelines?

The community guidelines can be found on Nabla Finance's Discord, in the #Welcome channel. Participants are required to adhere to these guidelines while participating in Social Campaigns and the Testnet. In general, participants abide by the fundamental principles of the Berlin Code of Conduct. 

What is the Berlin Code of Conduct?

The Berlin Code of Conduct serves as the foundation for Nabla Finance's Community Guidelines. Participants in Social Campaigns and the Testnet are expected to respect and adhere to these principles. More information can be found here.

What are the important dates?

The key dates for Testnet Alpha participation are as follows:

  • Week 1: Jan 24, 11 AM UTC - Jan 28, 11 AM UTC (registration until Jan 23, 11 AM UTC)

  • Week 2: Jan 31, 11 AM UTC - Feb 4, 11 AM UTC

  • Week 3: Feb 7 9, 11 AM UTC - Feb 1112, 11 AM UTC

  • Week 4: Feb 1416, 11 AM UTC - Feb 1819, 11 AM UTC (registration until Feb 17 18, 11 AM UTC)

Rewards distribution and other relevant dates can be found in the provided schedule. Please refer to the Testnet Alpha documentation for more detailed information.

What are the eligibility criteria?

For FCFS rewards the participant who has done all of the tasks will have priority over the others:

  1. Add liquidity to at least 3 swap pools(SP) and the backstop pool(BSP) 

  2. Withdraw liquidity from the SPs

  3. Withdraw liquidity from the BSP

  4. Withdraw from the BSP using the SPl’s LP token 

  5. Withdraw from an SP using BSP’s LP token

  6. Complete at least 3 swaps

What does FCFS mean?

FCFS stands for "First-come, first-served." In the context of Nabla's Testnet Alpha, it refers to a reward allocation method where the first participants to complete the required tasks receive rewards.

What is a raffle?

A raffle is a random drawing to select participants for rewards. In the context of Nabla's Testnet Alpha, certain weeks allocate rewards through a raffle, meaning participants have a chance to win based on chance rather than on a first-come, first-served basis.

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