We are live on Base chain with two assets, cbBTC and WETH. We've been testing Base deployment with those assets for the last few weeks. Base chain is a different beast compared to Arbitrum. We have noticed gas prices affect our pools performance more on Base. It took some time to optimize for the highest profitability.
Nabla AMM is around TOP 15-20 protocols with 24 hours swap volume the week it launched.
Thanks to volumes of the AMM, Nabla Finance become the number one protocol for cbBTC organic yield according to Defillama. Since our liquidity pools are single-sided and no-IL, we compete mostly against lending protocols or yield protocols but not other AMMs.
Besides organic yields we allocate onchain $AMBER points to LPs.
You can read about point allocation here: https://docs.nabla.fi/amber-tokenized-points-program/mainnet-alpha-rewards