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GM Anon, This newsletter is a weekly curation of my Twitter Bookmarks.
Software, AI, Art & more… Let's dive in !
If you see this, you're part of the very limited group that subscribed before Issue #1, thank you for your support, and please reach out to me should anything feel out of place or should you think of any improvements I can make !
There is no way you have missed this one ! But have you seen what I saw ?
The very cool thing with EMO is that it is a potential tool for us anons.
Podcast Audio + PFP → A Video Podcast
Soon my Cryptonatives 👀 podcast could be on youtube thanks to it !
Ethereum Blobs (temporary data) are here !
Takens Theorem's article dives into what it could mean for us plebs (spoiler: potentially ephemeral NFT art, which reminds me of a beautiful movie I saw when I was a kid)
My upcoming project will take place on Bitcoin, which means I had to explore Ordinals in depth !
If like me, you're lost in regards to Bitcoin NFTs, well, you can check out Claudio's awesome guide to master Ordinals in no time.
A really interesting tweet featuring a $20 board which supposedly turns a $30 iPad3 into a beautiful $50 Retina Display !
I'm not sure how to introduce that one, It's literally just a guy controlling his own face using a gamepad... 🤯 😂
Well I hope you enjoyed this first issue of BOOKMARKED, if you enjoyed it please share it on twitter using the button below 👇
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See you next week !