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Diva Early Staker Vaults + Turbo divETH Vault

Key differences and which is right for you!

The Diva Staking DAO has created vaults, each meeting the diverse needs of the Diva community. These initiatives — the Enzyme Early Staker Vaults by Enzyme Finance, and the Turbo divETH Vault in collaboration with Sommelier and Seven Seas Finance provide Diva Stakers with more diverse options when choosing to stake. Each vault offers unique advantages and cater to different phases of Diva’s ecosystem development prior to the Mainnet launch. Let’s dive in.

Enzyme Early Staker Vaults powered by Enzyme Finance

Stage: Open for deposits, currently in Tranche 2 (2.25 DIVA / ETH / day)


  • Pre-Mainnet: Vaults open for deposit on Enzyme.

  • 30 days pre-launch: Started accruing DIVA tokens for participants.

  • 5 month accrual period: Rewards continue for 5 months after launch to promote long-term engagement.

Purpose: These vaults aim to attract initial staking commitments from ETH and stETH holders, providing a seamless “passive” option to participating in Diva, help decentralize the Staking ecosystem through including stETH holders.

Benefits: Offering a straightforward staking option with the additional incentive of DIVA token allocations.

Turbo divETH Vault by Sommelier, sponsored by Seven Seas Finance

Stage: Open for deposits, currently in Tranche 1 (2.5 DIVA / ETH / day)


  • Pre-mainnet launch: Aims to engage Rocket Pool community and rETH holders before Diva’s ecosystem fully launches.

  • Dynamic liquidity provisioning: Strategies to be implemented already prior to mainnet~~, with specific dates and phases coming soon. 🔜 WETH~~

  • 11 month accrual period: Rewards continue for 11 months after launch to promote long-term engagement.

Purpose: This vault addresses the inclusivity of the Rocket Pool community and other rETH holders, fostering a broader and more diversified participant base.

Benefits: The vault is key in establishing intelligent, long-term engagement across the divETH ecosystem.


Whereas staking directly on Diva Staking UI is currently still in Testnet, participants already have a range of options when it comes to staking with Diva. Including stETH and rETH holders, the DAO has voted to support initiatives that help diversify staking Ethereum network.

Powered by Enzyme Finance and Sommelier, these vaults demonstrate the power of community in Staking decentralization.

Learn more and participate in the vaults now →

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