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Announcing Epoch 3 of Nektar Drops: New Ways to Earn More!

We are excited to announce the third epoch of our Nektar Drops program (see initial announcement). We are thrilled to introduce new initiatives that will provide even more opportunities for our community members to earn Nektar Drops. The Pollination continues!

Here’s everything you need to know about Epoch 3:

Nektar Drops for 1 ETH deposited in vaults

Continuity in Current Initiatives on Mainnet:

There will be no changes to the current initiatives. Our loyal participants can continue to enjoy the same benefits in the following programs:

  • Diva vaults on Enzyme (Earning 40 Drops per 1 ETH per day)

Deposit here for the ETH vault

Deposit here for the stETH vault

  • Sommelier Initiative: Deposit here (Earning 25 Drops per 1 ETH per day)

  • Fyde Initiative: Deposit here (Earning 25 Drops per 1 ETH per day)

bsdETH Initiatives:

Participants continue to earn 20 Drops per ETH per day.

Drops for Testnet Participants

There will be Nektar Drops for upcoming full testnet participants (launching very soon 👀)

  • For each Diva node: Get 50 points per day per key share (only for those who join the new full testnet that will be launched soon)

New Nektar Drops Initiatives: LRT Vaults

The first LRT vaults on top of Nektar Network were launched on June 25th! Deposit USDC, wBTC and ETH to earn Nektar Drops!

Participants earn 20 Drops per ETH (or ETH equivalent) per day.

You will also earn Points from the partners (Angle Prots & DLC.Link points)

Read below for more details:

LRT Vaults

stUSD Restaking Vault

  • Deposit USDC into the vault, which gets swapped for yield-generating stUSD.

  • By participating in this vault, you are earning Nektar Drops and Angle Prots.

→ Deposit into the stUSD Restaking Vault

dlcBTC Restaking Vault

  • Deposit wBTC and start earning yield in DeFi.

  • You immediately start accruing Nektar Drops and will also become eligible for DLC.Link points.

→ Deposit into the dlcBTC Restaking Vault

Re7 Nektar ETH Vault

  • Deposit ETH in the vault and earn ETH staking rewards and Nektar Drops.

→ Deposit into the Re7 Nektar ETH Vault

Bonus: additional utility coming very soon for these LRTs…

Users that will deposit their LRTs in these additional initiatives will get a 1.5x multiplier.

Track Your Drops: check out how many Nektar Drops you’ve harvested!

Visit our dashboard built by Fuul to see your progress.

We are excited to see how our community will keep growing with these new initiatives and upgrades. Thank you for your continued support and participation in the Nektar Drops loyalty program.

Stay tuned for more updates and happy Drops earning!

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