NewsBlock--crypto insiders' daily digest

Top 10 news of today curated by web3 insiders

If you can only spend one minute a day to keep updated with what’s happening in web3, spend it well.

NewsBlock SamplesNewsBlock Samples

Daily NewsBlock of Jan 4 and Jan 3 2023

1. We are here to save you time

The crypto world is busy, even in a bear market. That’s why we are here.

NewsBlock is the most compelling daily digest about crypto and web3, with top 10 news of a day curated in one JPEG, the easiest way for you to keep updated.

2. Accurate, clear, and concise

Today is an era of information explosion. Coverage about crypto is expanding.

We look for accurate, clear and concise news reports, cross-checked by both news practitioners and industry experts when needed.

3. Who are the curators of NewsBlock

A group of crypto insiders, builders, investors, and professional journalists & editors. Mostly based in Silicon Valley.

4. Record history on blockchain

NewsBlock is inspired by Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin.

When Bitcoin was born, the tile of a news report from The Times was wrote in the genesis block, making it an important part of history.

The genesis block raw text

The genesis block raw text

What NewsBlock is trying to do is also writing the most important things happening in the crypto or web3 industry on blockchain. Differently, it’s not some individuals like Satoshi himself or an editor from any news agency, but all of web3 community members, it’s you and me will decide what to be recorded.

In this way, NewsBlock aims to empower each and every individual to help set public agenda in web3.

5. Join us to help us create NewsBlock NFT

All daily NewsBlock graphics are meant to be minted as NFTs as not only collectibles but also as proofs of membership of the upcoming platform of NewsBlock.

Take a look of our work on OpenSea

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