Sounds and Music

Jam session #00001

The beginning of a sound/music project that started on the Hive blockchain comes to Polygon

Welcome to a series of music NFTs borne out of evening jamming sessions with a combination of synths on the iPad. I've not got real names for these tracks but I will keep on creating them. Since I am refining my curation process, I will capture details in these descriptions or in each of the traits, so that I can correlate the metadata with the source files on my various computers. Keeping track of these things matters. I've purposefully chosen to call this Jam session 00001 because when I reach 99999, I'll give up! OK perhaps this numbering system isn't all that serious but it would be fun to record that many. Please have a listen and collect!

AUM is a great mixing app or the iPad which allows me to hook up external instruments, virtual synths, samples and effects, to compose through performance, to quite literally jam ideas out. They may be short, they could even be long, who knows, I just grab my iPad, my best headphones, hook up a keyboard to the audio interface and off I go, wherever my mind takes me.

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