NFT Matrix #1

Hi, and welcome to NFT Matrix, where I review NFT Artists’ work. There is no presumption or judgement here, only exposure. The first artist I am reviewing is The21Seal, from Mexico. Dreamy, surreal, and colorful is how I would describe his work. I look at a couple of his pieces from his various social media and provide my review. Hope you enjoy, I’m always open to feedback.

Piece: “Stroke King”

Link: rarible

I find this self-portrait of a sort very striking due to its colors. I love that the artist has obscured his face. Hidden in the face are what appears to be a building with windows. Perhaps windows to the mind? The orange and yellow colors hint at a fire inside, a desire which is burning up the artist. I myself am drawn to rich color and allusions to greater meaning. I can relate to this king.

Piece: “Flying Layers”

Link: instagram

Something about this piece reminds me of a child’s book. I love the combination of surreal and ironic, the piece is entitled “Flying Layers” after all. A big fan of Dali myself, I appreciate the dreamlike quality. The child running reminds me of a kid with a model airplane or kite. The confetti colors contribute to the vibrancy of the piece. I think this piece could refer to a dream taking flight - and all dreams require layers of work to accomplish!

Piece: “Desert Vision at Sunset

Link: ghostmarket/

This is a really cool piece. Don’t be fooled by my picture, it is a piece which moves and rotates, so the link is worth clicking. The music which accompanies it does a great job of being meditative and interesting. This piece reminds me of the obsession with 3-D in the crypto art scene. It is mesmerizing. I may be reading too much into this piece, but when it rotates it reminds me of the pyramids found in Mexico City.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to The21Seal! Follow him on all relevant social media here: his links

See you next week!

Feel free to reply, share, or subscribe! I’ve also got my own art and music (links on twitter: nftmatrix)

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