Hi, and welcome to issue 27 of NFT Matrix, where I review NFT Artists’ work. There is no presumption or judgement here, only exposure. The artist I am reviewing is Seerlight. Dreamy and film-quality is how I would describe their work. I look at a couple of the artist’s pieces from their various platforms and provide my review. Hope you enjoy, I’m always open to feedback.
Piece: “Odyssey”

This piece is dream-like and colorful. It makes me wonder what it would be like to ride in an interstellar flying ship.
Piece: “Sky Window”

This piece provides a portal to sunlight in the middle of a calm summer evening. I love the vividness and the colors - each invokes memories of beautiful sunny days and firefly summers.
Piece: “Spirited Away”

Another gorgeous, calm, and colorful piece. The dragon contributes to the mystical feeling of the painting.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to the artist! Find their links here.
See you next time!
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In the 27th issue of NFT Matrix, @nftmatrix reviews dreamy, film-quality works by artist Seerlight. The pieces 'Odyssey', 'Sky Window', and 'Spirited Away' are showcased — each one offering a unique, vivid journey into interstellar dreams, summer evenings, and mystical realms. Find more in the full review.