Hi, and welcome to the new issue of NFT Matrix, where I review NFT Artists’ work. There is no presumption or judgement here, only exposure. The artist I am reviewing is Okin. Dark and brooding is how I would describe their work. I look at a couple of the artist’s pieces from their various platforms and provide my review. Hope you enjoy, I’m always open to feedback.
Piece: “The RAW Series #1”

This piece is indeed raw and creepy! I love the contrasting red and black. Reminds me of a dream or vision.
Piece: “The Tears”

This is an animated piece, worth viewing at the link. The imagery is reminiscent of a black hole, an eye ball, a watch, and ancient scripts. Brings to mind the interplay between humanity, history, and meaning.
Piece: “Strangers in the Mist”

This piece has a quote on the link page referencing tribalism and warfare. I love that this piece captures that very well - and the reference to apes also reminds me that war is not unique to humanity. Various topics come to mind - the current Russia-Ukraine War, the tribalism in the United States, the changes brought on by social media to our understanding of ourselves and our tribes.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to the artist! Find their links here.
See you next time!
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New from @nftmatrix: An insightful review of NFT artist Okin. Okin's work, described as dark and brooding, features raw pieces with striking red and black motifs, animated visuals exploring humanity, history, and meaning, and balanced themes of tribalism and warfare. Enjoy!