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✎ I'm curious about the origins of Purple Wave Studios and how you and your team came together to work on NFT projects. Can you share more about how it all started and what inspired you to dive into the NFT space?
We were all invested in a Polygon project called Weary Ape Yacht Club (WAYC) which the original owner rugged after scamming us with lies. We managed to take over the project and derug it.
Andy, Christopher, Mike and myself (Walid). Shortly after we were contacted by Luke Loo BD from Polygon. He recognised us as OG builders and offered his support but we had to move away from the derivative “Ape Yacht Club”. We offered the community a change of name and a swap to a new ape NFT which they refused as they liked the art and wanted to keep the original apes.
We were already planning the release of Brainy Budz in the “WearyVerse” so we decided to start a new mother company and Purple Wave Studios was born. Our first project under that umbrella will be Brainy Budz.
So originally we were investors, only Andy has been a founder in a previous BSC project. We felt responsible to save WAYC so the community at large wasn’t at loss.
✎ What inspired you to create Brainy Budz, and how did you come up with the concept for the project?
Brainy Budz was a project idea that one of our founders had. The fact that a large number of Web 3.0 and NFT enthusiasts enjoy a bud here and there inspired his creation. He had originally drawn them in 2D and was planning on launching them himself. After we came together he offered the idea to us and we loved it. Andy suggested we make them 3D as he had contact with an awesome 3D artist Valikazar. That’s how the Brainy Budz came to be.
✎ Could you provide further insights into the development process that led to the creation of the distinct attributes and blends of Brainy Budz and what are the unique traits that will be featured on the 5 super rare Brainy Budz representing your art collaboration partners, and how might holding these rare Budz benefit their owners in the future?
So we came up with fun and quirky traits. Trying to be unique and steer away from the common traits that many NFT projects share. Being a marijuana themed NFT a lot of our traits follow this theme.
We managed to link up with 12 Polygon projects who agreed for us to use a trait from their project on our BUDZ. Each project will be represented with their logo or a special trait from their collection. These will be rare and will range between 4-8 BUDZ for each project.
I can’t disclose details at this stage regarding what is in store for people who mint these traits or for people who manage to collect 1 from each of these art collab traits.
✎ The concept of earning passive income from secondary sales royalties is very impressive and incentivizing. How Brainy Budz plans to ensure the long-term sustainability and stability of this revenue-sharing system?
As I mentioned earlier, we came from a project that rugged. Not only did it rug but the owner managed to scam many of us for things that never came to fruition. As a result we have pledged to try to give back as much as we can to the community through passive income.
Revenue sharing isn’t sustainable long term so that’s why we start with this. As soon as secondary sales go live, 50% of secondary sale royalties will be distributed to all BB holders, which can be claimable fortnightly from our website.
A more long term idea we have come up with is our Beefy Finance (yield optimiser) fork. This will be an open investment for everyone (not only BB holders). 100% of profits made from this will be distributed among BB holders incentivising holders to hold and build their bags. The more you hold the more you earn. Also claimable fortnightly from our website.
✎ Please explain in more detail how the NFT raffle system works, including the requirements for participation, the process for selecting winners, and the various types of NFTs that can be won. Additionally, how does the use of the $REVIVAL token improve or enhance the overall experience for participants in the NFT raffle system?
So the first utility we brought as we were de-rugging WAYC was staking. Stake WAYC and earn $REVIVAL ($REVL). 1 $REVL per day, per WAYC staked.
With the royalties from secondary sales earned there, we swept various floors of well-known Polygon projects. These include Polygon Punks, Billionaire Zombies Club, Crazy Bears, Polygon Apes, Troglodytes, Skurpy, The Matic Greys, and Crypto Crew.
Once the BUDZ are minted we will launch the raffle Dapp and simply people will use $REVL to enter the raffle. The amount of tickets as well as the cost of tickets will be determined by the worth of the NFT. This gives utility to the $REVL token and doesn’t cost entrants anything that they have paid money for, as they earned the $REVL for free.
✎ What are your thoughts on the future development of the NFT space and the role that Polygon will play in this evolution?
I truly believe the Polygon NFT space is in its infancy right now and is set to explode. And with the crypto bull-run at our doorstep, it couldn’t be a more perfect storm.
Large projects from other chains have already started to make the move. And with the ability to use WETH to purchase NFT’s on Polygon, it opens up many opportunities for more projects to make the move.
I also believe that most projects that are building during this time will be rewarded immensely for their early efforts.
The team at Polygon is working hard and this shows with the recent events at NFT NYC. With projects like Owlpha bursting onto the scene, there’s only one way for Polygon NFT’s to go.
✎ As a final question Can you tell us about any partnerships or collaborations that Purple Wave Studios has planned for the future, and how do you see these partnerships benefiting the growth of your NFT ecosystem?
So far we have made great connections with many projects through art collabs and whitelist collabs. We really don’t have ambitions of being the best on Polygon (even though we will work hard to achieve great things), we want to work with all projects so we can make Polygon the best NFT ecosystem there is.
We will continue to make positive connections with all projects that share this vision and don’t have tunnel vision. Meaning their project is the best and everyone else is competition. We’re all family and there is plenty of wealth to be shared around between developers and investors.
The Purple Wave has begun and there’s room for everyone on. Let’s just enjoy the ride and try bring along as many people as we can.
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