Hello Warpcasters;
It's been a while since my last post which got no attention and I was dispirited but someone sent me something and it piqued my interest! I don't know what to call it! Fraud? Cheating? Insurance (for some big accounts)? Conspiracy (my favorite kind)? Or (with a kind consideration) maybe even a Test? There's a Farcaster account that has too much DEGEN points. In just a week, it has half a million points which even the farmers couldn't get there with all their farmer expertise :) or even begging.
Normal Users Opinion
In some people's honest opinion, this DEGEN Locking is a colossal disaster for the loyal users! And the best way for farming, without having even a single quality cast. That means "buy DEGEN and lock it and do whatever the F you want with it, we don't care, just buy." I don't mean to be harsh, these words are from some really hurt users and I want to be honest and don't sugar coat it.
How Was I Informed?
I got a DC from a concerned friend with this cast. It says it all. The first thing I did was to check @nikolaiii's frame to be sure and it's right. This is the first cast that @razdva has created which is kind of weird. Why the first cast of someone normal and real be this? As if he/she had some sort of knowledge in the early days of DEGEN project? You can see it's dated six months ago. That's why I considered it being a test account before but then the numbers don't lie. So is @razdva a different kind of farmer? I actually don't know exactly what a token farmer is, I just know a few of their properties.
What Actions Did I Take?
I could have just posted a video in a cast and be done with it but I felt a little explanation and consideration was needed. I don't want to be unfair. Obviously when I got the DC I told my friend that the only ways possible for an account to get almost 500k points in just a week without having the Power Badge and no extraordinary casts is:
Get 50 tips with an amount like 10k $DEGEN
Get 100 tips with an amount like 5k $DEGEN
Get 500 tips with an amount like 1k $DEGEN
As you can see it's simple math. BUT, even old, PB owner, good, quality content casting users normally don't get a 10k, 5k, or 1k $DEGENs every single day! I've seen some charity works done before and some generous users helped out others with their whole allowance in a day but not every day! Therefore you can see the abnormality. What did I do next? Dune's Valid Tips of course! I couldn't upload the video of the @razdva's valid tips in this post directly so all you have to do in to just go here and watch it because it's very important to provide evidence. This is one of the three pages:

I followed up the Alice (@m9rgun) account's tip, ie I clicked on "view cast" and was redirected to Warpcast itself. I mean you have to admit that a 10k degen tip is really odd. It begs a good cast! Who will tip 7$ for what? Wouldn't you want to know what kind of a cast gets this much tip and want to find a model for yourself to follow so that you will be appri like this. But instead you see this:

Disappointed, eh? That's not all. Go to Alice's profile and you see it's first cast was created 8 days ago from today (July's 20th) and the interesting thing is in "cast and replies" tab. The whole allowance of the day tipped to @razdva and @sirensong2. Then you click on @sirensong2 and you see a 7days old account tipping it's whole allowance to @godzila71, @razdva, m9rgun, @rafaello12 and a bunch of other 7-10days old accounts and on and on... ☹ You can see this process in this video. It's obvious that a group of people not more that 5 can just fool the system so easily and get the most profit.
While reaseching this I didn't feel anything because I always focus on facts. But while writing this... My heart broke. I never expect any special treatment from anyone. I want to be original and help, do some good and make my way not in a hurry. I see accounts just doing nothing special and no quality contents and getting almost all the attention. Warpcast turning into another Instagram is a horrible thing. I see bots never getting defeated. I see many good accounts fading and leaving just because despite of their effort, energy and time never getting healthy attention and connection. It makes everyone feel lonely. People turning into money counting machines is not a productive way to bring people together. The money and earning is a good way to bring people in but it will never be enough to persuade them to stay.
I'm actually, really, totally disappointed. My only cast that got more than 2k view was a thread cast about FOMO and even that didn't get even 5k DEGEN tip. I'm not saying I deserve more, not at all! I'm only saying whatever you do to stop farming won't work and now you've handed them the best ammunition.
Most of the new users know nothing about other projects and know only DEGEN. So in my opinion the DEGEN community should act with more discipline and responsibility to all users. The DEGEN Locking is not a Fraud, Conspiracy, Test or even Cheating. It's just a project starting good and failing now. If it stays like this it won't be a successful one. I'm stating this again, DO NOT RELY ONLY ON MACHINE, and take some advice from normal people. Hope for a better world of online activity.
Thanks for reading
The end
DEGEN Fooled?!
DEGEN Fooled?! I would love to know your thoughts on my new /paragraph post about locking degen and a big bad result It's an easy read, better to open it online Here's the link 🔗 to the video file https://files.fm/f/fwm27nevk2
DEGEN Fooled?! I know you are already aware of the account but there's a group behind it and you can see my investigation here Reading online is better The link to the video file: https://files.fm/f/fwm27nevk2
Interesting, thanks for sharing
DEGEN Fooled?! This is my latest post on /paragraph Any thoughts on it would be most appreciated Thank you There are links in it and I share them below in reply 👇 You want to know how some people fool the system and get more degen? Read this:
Here's the video file The upload takes too much time https://files.fm/f/fwm27nevk2
220 $farther That’s why I am focusing on other projects this season Although I still love degen
You're doing the right thing I'm gonna do the same as soon as i earn enough Thanks dear ♥️
Interesting read Clever how some fooled the system. Definitely heartbreaking for most 300 $farther 🍖x1000
Thank you for reading and the tip ♥️ Yes I've heard some in my DC and they really were sad that they couldn't stake or lock more to have a better chance here I hope some good comes out of this post ✌️
Interesting reading. There will always be people with bad intentions. The main thing is for @wake’s team to do what’s necessary before these people’s points turn into real $DEGEN. As for the rest, they’re pioneers, so they make mistakes, but nothing is irreversible. It’s just a question of adjustment, in my opinion. 🎭
Thanks for reading ♥️ Of course where there's money there'll be malicious intent, but in my opinion it shouldn't be so easy Many loyal users to the degen community are struggling to be seen more for their art or other builds with their allowance as a thank you But this one is so unfair that I couldn't stank idle
Nice read, was kind of concerned the locking mechanism might actually make stuff like this easier. Not really even sure it’s against the rules, although clearly against the spirit of things 🍖 x 169 $degen
Thank you so much for reading I was too and Jacek casted that they're not going to ban anyone just yet It's not against the rules Anyone can do this if they have the money I thought maybe it was a test account because the main account was active since the beginning of the degen project and seems to be waiting to see how the rules change and act exactly at this time! So was it a plan all along? I mean if others knew about it wouldn't they wait too? It seems a little unfair to loyal users Thanks for reading ♥️ 🍖 x 100