I am a fan of impressionist paintings. Caillebotte's The Floor Scrapers, Cezanne's Montagne Saint-Victoire, Monet's Water Lilies are all favorites. As is often the case with art, it is not just the art itself which draws attention but the story behind the artists. And the story of the impressionists is an interesting one.
The impressionists were born out of frustration with an annual art show, the Salon de Paris. The organization behind the show, the Académie des Beaux-Arts, favored traditional French painting. Because of this, the Salon de Paris routinely rejected the paintings of artists like the impressionists who did not fit the traditional style.
Now the impressionists could have changed their art to match the expectations of the Académie. Or they could have given up on showcasing their art. Instead they decided to make their own small exhibition showcasing their unique artistic vision. The impressionist exhibitions were not as famous or critically acclaimed as the Salon de Paris, but the artists who participated eventually became some of the most beloved artists of France for their unique portrayals of modern life.
When I think of this story it helps me remember that sometimes what is needed to flourish is not to swim in the largest and most impressive pond you can find. Sometimes what is needed is to make your own small pond, and be the biggest fish in it.
Discover how the Impressionists, frustrated by rejection from the Salon de Paris, created their own exhibitions to showcase their unique art. Their persistence led them to become some of France's most beloved artists. Read more on @0x99fran's blog about finding success by creating your own path.