This is Operator 226, reaching out to Navigator.
This is Navigator, what is it Operator 226?
Navigator, I am picking up a strange resonance on control Emeralds 4 and 6.
Copy Operator 226. Running a diagnostic now.
…faint buzzing…beep…click…
Operator 226, internal scans appear normal, however a large concentration of energy is detected at point ND-486. Course updated to heading 304 mark 32.
Copy Navigator.
Uh…Navigator. Resonance has spread to Emeralds 3 and 7 and appears to be becoming more violent.
Copy Operator 226. The energy flow is particularly strong in this direction, the control Emeralds are probably seeing some cross interference. Once the drill bit is in, the cross interference should stabilize.
Copy Navigator.
…CRACK….high pitched squeal….violent humming… SHIT
What was that?!?
…shit shit shit… …click click…. Tap… BEEP BEEP BEEP…whush…
Operator 226? Do you copy?
Uh, Navigator, we have a problem. Emerald 3 has suffered a critical rupture. Running containment. Resonance has spread to the rest of control Emeralds 1 through 10.
Hold on for another minute Operator 226. We are almost to point ND-4….oh….SHIT…WHAT IS THAT DOING HERE? FU-high pitch whine…BOOM…
[radio silence]