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But WE don’t have to fund it

The Nounish Professor

The Nounish Professor

When I saw prop 392, my first thought was “I don’t have the energy for this right now.”

I do not want to write this. I don’t want to have to femme-splain (is that a word?) all the problems with this prop. It opens me up to a whole bunch of potential criticism and bs that I just don’t want to deal with. I don’t want to have to call on my brothers in the DAO to step up and do the right thing here.

But who else will if I don’t speak up in this moment? It’s too important so here we go. And I’m going to be as diplomatic as possible so please read between the lines where needed.

This prop is “problematic”

“Note: The project's creators have chosen to maintain their anonymity, prioritizing a focus on the project's message and artistic vision rather than individual recognition.”

Problem 1: Team who’s so concerned about connecting their reputation to this prop they insist on staying anon. 🚩🚩🚩

“The tone of the project will be one of inclusivity, respect, and open-mindedness.” If this is true then why are the proposers anon?

If you’re not willing to stand behind your prop this begs the question why? If there’s nothing seedy about this, shouldn’t you be proud to present this to the DAO? If not, I question your motives with this type of prop.

Problem 2:

“These pieces will be thoughtfully curated to explore various facets of sensuality, including its ties to human emotions and the natural world.”

By whom? How do we know you have the skills or eye for this type of curation?

There are no mock-ups or any description of what the images may look like so no way to know if they will actually be “inclusive” and “respectful.” And what does inclusivity even mean to you anon?

Problem 3: the artist. DYOR for yourself on that one. I do not think it is wise to make this connection via funding this particular artist. And if something does go wrong with this, could there be legal liability for the DAO?

Women as objects vs muses

There is a long history of nudity in art. Some quite beautiful and classic. But that history also shows that much of it was framed in that way but in reality women were used, taken advantage of, and objectified. Again because the proposer(s) are anon and due to this particular artist there is absolutely no way to know what direction this will land. A risk that has no up side here.

What some may claim is “sensuality” others will see clearly as objectification and it will be yet another reason for women to see Nouns as a boys club. There are many amazing women founders, artists, influencers who could afford to buy Nouns. But they don’t. Ever ask yourselves why?

And I know what you’re thinking …

“But Prof, it’s cc0 they could do it anyway?”

Yes, BUT we don’t have to fund it.

“Well someone is eventually going to do something like this. Why not ensure a more artistic route?”

Sure, BUT we don’t have to fund it.

“Anonymity is part of the ethos of web3. Shouldn’t builders be able to stay anon?”

Of course, BUT we don’t have to fund it.

Passing this prop signals to the world that Nouns supports this project and this artist. If the proposer(s) are so convinced of its merits, they could put it out in the world and individual Nouners and others could support by buying the art if they want. If it has product/market it and is truly all the things the prop purports it to be, then it will find an audience.

But WE don’t have to fund it.

Collect this post as an NFT.

⌐◨-◨ Unpacking with Prof

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Commented 1 year ago

So I don't know what to think about it. I like the first paragraph. Nudity doesn't have to be sexual. However, the intentions are build on weak foundation. 1. How do I know the people behind the project have experience navigating these topics with respect for others? 2. Why are all the example pictures posted of women? 3. Who are the guest artists? What's the connection between the proposers and the artists?

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago

Now that prop 392 is live for voting, I’m posting this again for consideration. https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof/butwedonthavetofundit

Bixbite 👽Farcaster
Bixbite 👽
Commented 1 year ago

Prop392 is interesting…I am all for female empowerment through art - what’s more beautiful to look at than a women 💁🏼‍♀️ imo it’s just a little off brand for full topless…but of the photos shown I could see the bottom 2 wearing Noggles representing the weed head Noun for a cannabis campaign #nipfree

Bixbite 👽Farcaster
Bixbite 👽
Commented 1 year ago

…. I’m for taking risks & trying new things. Just not sure such an open ended prop is a good fit. There needs to be a purpose & campaign - I’d love to see for instance sensual photos tying to Breast Cancer Awareness month w/ a CTA to donate on behalf of Nouns - its educational & triggers action (example)

Cyber Shakti 🎩😇😈💃Farcaster
Cyber Shakti 🎩😇😈💃
Commented 1 year ago

👆 now that ties it up beautifully

Cyber Shakti 🎩😇😈💃Farcaster
Cyber Shakti 🎩😇😈💃
Commented 1 year ago

And ofcourse, gives me a cool idea 🍀

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago

This isn’t female empowerment. No women are in power in this prop. They are the props in this prop. That’s the problem. If a female photographer was involved, maybe. https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof/butwedonthavetofundit

Bixbite 👽Farcaster
Bixbite 👽
Commented 1 year ago

I agree, it’s just not the right context for it. Maybe if it were a female photographer, or a breast cancer awareness campaign or something 🤷🏼‍♀️ but either way, I’m not too sure it will pass anyways so luckily nothing we have to be too concerned about for now.

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago

Dropping this here too. Would love your thoughts FarcastHER since I was pretty much nauseous writing it. https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof/butwedonthavetofundit

Danica SwansonFarcaster
Danica Swanson
Commented 1 year ago

I'm not involved with nouns at all, but FWIW I've navigated similar situations in other (non-web3) communities. I am 100% with you on this, and I find it so encouraging to read what you wrote about it. Great job! 👏

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago

Thanks Danica! 🫶

Commented 1 year ago

Commented directly on paragraph (also to test integrations between FC and paragraph)

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago

Wrote this one on the plane home about prop 392. It couldn’t wait. I would appreciate it if you could give it a read prior to voting. https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof/butwedonthavetofundit

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago

And one note here on the anon part that I mentioned elsewhere: Pseudonymous is different from anonymous. You can build a trustworthy onchain/online rep and keep your IRL anon so not talking about that per se. https://warpcast.com/nounishprof/0x255a1ded

Noun 40Farcaster
Noun 40
Commented 1 year ago

my guess (ofc i could be wrong) is that it’s unlikely to pass 😅

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago

That would be a lovely outcome.

Carter | 🏳️‍🌈Farcaster
Carter | 🏳️‍🌈
Commented 1 year ago

Great read, and great point. I am glad you wrote about this.

Commented 1 year ago

imho, Nouns is missing a shared culture and core values that equitable and inclusive. 100% agree with Prof here. I discarded my initial interest in Nouns due to the patriarchal culture—though I’m hoping for great things in this post-fork world.

But WE don’t have to fund it