⌐◨-◨ Unpacking with Prof
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GM Farcaster weekly roundup

Week of October 30, 2023

The Nounish Professor

The Nounish Professor

A few weeks ago, I started a "morning show" with Adrienne called GM Farcaster. It's 21 minutes of Farcaster news to start your day Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 8:30 am ET streaming on Unlonely. We've been dropping the recording as an NFT on Zora a couple hours after the live stream. You can view without minting as well.

Yup -- that sounds a bit crazy. But it has been a fun experiment in web3 media. I've been jokingly calling it sufficiently decentralized media but it's not quite that yet. But that's the goal.

It's been fun to chat live with Adrienne three days a week, just a couple friends having coffee and talking about the scienus. And been loving when we have some other friends in the chat. Thought it might be helpful to do a weekly summary with the episodes embeded below along with the show notes.

We'll be back Monday, November 6 at 8:30 am ET for another GM Farcaster!

GM Farcaster Episode 18, October 30, 2023 - Halloween edition:


Show Notes and Links – some of the stuff we talked about:

Outcaster 016 – with Adrienne curating! https://warpcast.com/ghostlinkz.eth/0x1a741d25 https://outcasters.xyz/snapshot-016

Warps! https://warpcast.com/v/0x1940e1c9 https://warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x058007af https://warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0xb60725c1 https://warpcast.com/alexgrover.eth/0xc990002c

The Network State conference: https://warpcast.com/maxp.eth/0xd640f289 https://warpcast.com/balajis.eth/0x984e2b26 https://warpcast.com/ivy/0xc5f85065 https://warpcast.com/gilles/0xac0b511f s/o @grin who was the first speaker!

And some other casts we didn’t get a chance to chat about:

Smart & Funny: https://warpcast.com/survey/0xff641ba7

Needs more green Owocki: https://warpcast.com/owocki/0xf49b21fb

Measure what matters: https://warpcast.com/kbc/0x8cc6e1e1

And our musings elsewhere:

Adrienne: Some of the Things #21 October Roundup https://someofthethings.substack.com/p/october-roundup

And Adrienne’s Podcast – Four Old College Friends: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/four-old-college-friends/id1700592867?i=1000631680007

Nounish Prof: Unpacking with Prof – Purple: https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof/purple

AND www.gmfarcaster.com is live!

GM Farcaster episode 19 November 1, 2023 - mole edition:


Show Notes and Links – some of the stuff we talked about:

Farcaster Fall is here! https://warpcast.com/cameron/0x00163257

Button Swap: https://warpcast.com/v/0xe4f951a0

Image previews: https://warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x00b6fc37

Suggest a channel: https://warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x7a6ba656

AMA with @barmstrong: https://warpcast.com/barmstrong/0x98dc11eb

Warp Rewards! https://warpcast.com/v/0x9a26495f https://warpcast.com/vm/0xae637809

AND so much mole! https://warpcast.com/farcasteradmin.eth/0x1183b95b https://warpcast.com/briang/0xe6eab9ef https://warpcast.com/nonlinear.eth/0x0fc3f8ed https://warpcast.com/pugson/0xc8ee6eb7 https://warpcast.com/goose/0x56b1c906 https://warpcast.com/obxium/0x6151cf70 https://warpcast.com/iammatthias/0x289312c4 https://warpcast.com/segurado/0x0599c3cd https://warpcast.com/iammatthias/0x76803e3f https://warpcast.com/woj.eth/0xfd1245ce

And some other casts we didn’t get a chance to chat about:

Linda has a brainstorm bounty for you: https://warpcast.com/linda/0x66dff0c1

far.quest: https://warpcast.com/jc/0xa83b5dae

AI at the coffee shop: https://warpcast.com/ted/0x1d31b228

New features on farcasteruserstats.com: https://warpcast.com/fun/0xa4fd2b62

And our musings elsewhere:

Adrienne: Some of the Things #21 October Roundup https://someofthethings.substack.com/p/october-roundup

And Adrienne’s Podcast – Four Old College Friends: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/four-old-college-friends/id1700592867?i=1000631680007

Nounish Prof: Unpacking with Prof – Purple: https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof/purple

AND www.gmfarcaster.com is live!

GM Farcaster episode 20 November 3, 2023 - Farcaster Fall is here:


Show Notes and Links – some of the stuff we talked about:

Farcaster Fall is here! https://warpcast.com/cameron/0x00163257 https://warpcast.com/cameron/0x1a48a61a https://warpcast.com/chriscocreated.eth/0x26855e2d https://zora.co/collect/base:0xe2fb0e28d391ca747481b3f0dff906644416fac9/2?referrer=0x5C8F77BE6639CBd5B669e409c610926Cc4E0E6Ae https://warpcast.com/j4ck.eth/0xabda1fd3

Mint reminders? https://warpcast.com/cameron/0xc2e37344

Prints.cool: https://warpcast.com/alexgrover.eth/0x742bdf5a

LA meetup: https://warpcast.com/ted/0xf25d43e7

Danger Will Robinson: https://warpcast.com/dangerwillrobin

AND a lil mole again! https://warpcast.com/ds8/0x14130aa0

Purple retro funding prop house: https://warpcast.com/dylsteck.eth/0x354ecd32 https://prop.house/purple/retroactive-funding-round-4

1337 game: https://warpcast.com/nounishprof/0x5df212e7

And some other casts we didn’t get a chance to chat about:

Farcaster store: https://warpcast.com/accountless.eth/0xfc281551

Linda has a brainstorm bounty for you: https://warpcast.com/linda/0x66dff0c1

New features on farcasteruserstats.com: https://warpcast.com/fun/0xa4fd2b62

And our musings elsewhere:

Adrienne: Some of the Things #21 October Roundup https://someofthethings.substack.com/p/october-roundup

And Adrienne’s Podcast – Four Old College Friends: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/four-old-college-friends/id1700592867?i=1000631680007

Nounish Prof: Unpacking with Prof – Purple: https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof/purple

AND www.gmfarcaster.com is live!

Join us this week Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 8:30 am ET for 21 minutes of Farcaster news to start your day streaming live on Unlonely and recording dropped on Zora after. We'll share another weekly summary next week!


Unlonely channel: https://www.unlonely.app/channels/@nounishprof

GM Farcaster recordings:


Collect this post as an NFT.

⌐◨-◨ Unpacking with Prof

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Over 100 subscribers

Commented 1 year ago

The embeds are super cool! Collected 👌

Dan RomeroFarcaster
Dan Romero
Commented 1 year ago

Opportunity for a weekly anthropology newsletter on @paragraph of the latest Farcaster meme meta. https://warpcast.com/arhat/0xf6f89850

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago

Already doing it!! Started last week —has the GM Farcaster episodes (NFTs on Zora) embedded along with the show notes with links to all the casts we talk about! New one will be out by tomorrow. cc: @adrienne https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof/gmfarcasterweeklyoct30

Commented 1 year ago

@dwr.eth recapping all the memes and meta keeps taking more and more of the 21 minutes we have for GM farcaster 😅 it makes the news more fun

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago
antimo 🎩Farcaster
antimo 🎩
Commented 1 year ago

@rish gotta sign up

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago

GM Farcaster weekly roundup on @paragraph out now! Includes embeds of each episode from last week, along with the show notes with the casts @adrienne & I chatted about. Back tomorrow at 8:30 am ET with GM Farcaster, 21 minutes to start your day on @unlonely! https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof/gmfarcasterweeklyoct30

Commented 1 year ago

Love to see the usage of the new Zora embed feature!

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩Farcaster
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
Commented 1 year ago

It’s AWESOME!!! Thanks for this — you can actually watch the video right in the post/newsletter! cc: @jacob Also — cc: @toadyhawk.eth you may want to do this for zeropod! Take a look at how the @zora NFT embeds into @paragraph!

Toady HawkFarcaster
Toady Hawk
Commented 1 year ago

Incredible. Will be using.

Toady HawkFarcaster
Toady Hawk
Commented 1 year ago

I wish mint embeds worked like this on Farcaster @dwr.eth, it would be amazing. Would set up an account specifically for ZEROPOD that could act as a living onchain version of the podcast, powered by @zora cc @jacob

GM Farcaster weekly roundup