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And So TI Begins

Nouns DAO - September 2024/1

Hottest News

And So TI Begins

The Nouns Dota 2 team arrived in Copenhagen for this year's The International 2024! Follow @nounsesports on Twitter and Gorgc (Twitch link) for live coverage of the event! You can find all the official Twitch streams here.

In other news, the CS team qualified for Americas RMR in Shanghai this November!

August Roundup & The Noun Square

Another month passed, which means Jack is back with another monthly roundup!

TNS also recently managed to secure funding for the next 6 months after smashing the goals of their previous prop and extending the work (thanks to a great treasury management and securing additional revenue) from the promised 6 months to 10 months!
(Btw they recently hosted the 800th Noun O'Clock live in a row! 800!!!!! Ain't that crazy?!)

The Nouniverse

We've seen the role of dynamic quorum rise in the past weeks (proposal defeated by failing to meet quorum as opposed to having a majority "against" votes) as krel rightly pointed out! Personally I'm excited to see how this impacts governance. To me, it seems to be a sort of extension of the "filter" happening with proposal candidates.

  • before, an idea needed to excite a few nouners to get promoted into an onchain prop, which was enough to "force" other nouners to make a stance

  • now merely getting onchain is not enough and props need to be more exciting to secure a big enough attandence to meet quorum

Should we burn the treasury nouns? Discuss below.

Awesome smiles thread:

More interesting casts and tweets:

Projects updates

You can find new proposal updates on


Camp added a bunch of treasury/spending data so voters can consider the proposals' ask in the context of current treasury & projected inflow - Propdate.
"With the economic macro situation of Nouns increasingly in a downturn, our priorities have shifted to do what we can to ensure a bright and lasting future for the project. This month we’ve added better tools for voters to understand the economic realities of funding a proposal, and we plan to do more work in this area."

Nouns Amigos

Nouns Amigos kicked off a new grants program with up to 2.5 ETH rewards! More info below.

The Nogglers

More sneak peeks! The intro has such a cool 90s vibe!

Nouns Movie

Wake up, new Nous Movie location just dropped.

Nouns Beyond Screens

More media from the grand opening.

Public Nouns-Themed Play Corner

First official propdate is out! Both the site and the structures are being prepared!

You can see an overview of all funded proposals here.

Nouner section

On-chain proposals

  1. Edu Nouns - Educational content for kids - Executed

  2. Level up auction UX with Nouns Terminal - Defeated

  3. Nouns House - Keep IRL Weird - Defeated

  4. Nouns Chicago Curling Club Sponsorship - Executed

  5. NounSwap: Swap Noun 1224 for Noun 389 - Executed

  6. Descriptor V3 Upgrade - Execuetd

  7. Nounish writing contest - Queued

  8. The Noun Square & The Yellow Collective: Bringing New Builders and Bidders to Nouns With Content, Collaboration and Community-As-A-Service. - Queued

  9. N.O.U.N.S. - Network of United Nounish Societies - Queued

  10. NOUNS CAN DREAM | The Art of skateboarding - Queued

  11. The Nounge IRL Melbourne - Active

  12. Launders LAN 2 - Active

  13. Double down on - Active

  14. Nouns DAO Sponsorship for Ethereum México 2024 Event - Active

  15. Nouns plush by Sun-Min + David, creators of Uglydoll - Active

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