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Conjuring the creative process onchain

Where it starts in your mind is rarely where it ends up when its finished


One thing I want to embrace onchain is sharing alternate pieces I created prior to settling on its final output. In my case, it ranges from entirely different visions, to subtle changes. Rather than wonder "What if I went this way instead?" I figure I'd put them out there & let the mints represent what people like better. My intention with this article is to let you in on my creative process and provide some clarity around what it's like to mint and curate work on Zora.

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Keeping track of my journey along the way

The process

Part of the creative process for me is working through ideas until I arrive at a point where what I've done accurately represents a feeling or image in my mind. Steven King interprets the process as excavating ideas as if they're fossil. Even though his advice was aimed at writers, it resonated with me and can apply to all creators.

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From the mind of Steven King...

Sometimes things evolve in a direction thats more interesting than the original vision that spurred me on, so I'll build towards that. Other ideas start blindingly bright, only to fizzle in the process. There are times when I feel things are coalescing & I'll narrow the idea down to two paths. Sometimes I travel down one path only to discover it doesn't have what I'm looking for, which allows me to transition to the other one with more conviction.

Experiments and lessons learned from minting (so far)

Here are some of the ways I considered going with my /channels series and previous mints, as well as some lessons I picked up while experimenting:

1) /wufs
Mid way through making this piece I paused at this moment and considered using it as the final. I was masking an area, which resulted in the / wiggling. Its hypnotic, but ultimately not what I was envisioning. It now lives as a live draft: