Crisis and the Leader

Anticipating the Storm: Lessons from Winston Churchill

Leading is a thankless task. The most successful leader of the 20th century was Winston Churchill. Yet for 12 years, from 1928 to 1940, he was out of power and almost discredited—Britain had no need for Churchill then. When disaster struck, he was, thankfully, in the right place at the right time. Fortunately or unfortunately, the only predictable thing in any company is a crisis. It's something that always happens. In such situations, everything depends on the leader.\nThe most important task of a company leader is to anticipate a crisis. Perhaps not prevent it, but foresee it. Waiting until the crisis hits is surrender. A leader must foresee the storm, prepare the company for it, essentially beat it to the punch. You can't prevent a major catastrophe, but you can create a company whose employees are battle-ready, uphold high moral principles, and believe in themselves and their colleagues. The first rule of military training is that soldiers must have faith in their officers: without this, they cannot fight.

TIP OF THE DAY\nFace the pressing issues confronting your company head-on. Address them openly and honestly. Garner support for taking necessary actions.

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