Effective Management of Non-Profit Organizations Subtitle

Why Non-Profits Require More Rigorous Management Than For-Profit Companies

Non-profit organizations need management even more than commercial companies. In Florida, in the early 1990s, individuals sentenced to their first prison term were conditionally released under the supervision of The Salvation Army—approximately 25,000 people per year. Had these young men and women ended up in prison, most would have become hardened criminals. The Salvation Army rehabilitated 80 percent of them through a labor program primarily run by volunteers. The program required only a fraction of the costs that would have been spent on keeping criminals behind bars. The foundation of this and many other effective non-profit programs is thoughtful management. Forty years ago, the word "management" sounded like a curse word to non-profit workers. It was associated with "business," and non-profits prided themselves on being free from mercantilism and above such selfish concepts as "net profit." Now, however, most agree that non-profits need management even more than business companies. Of course, non-profit organizations aim to "do good." But they understand that good intentions do not replace organization, accountability, and efficiency. TIP OF THE DAY. Place your non-profit organization under effective management. Choose high standards of organization, accountability, and efficiency.

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