Pleasure from Work

Creators Love What They Create

Creative individuals love their work. I’m not saying they love everything they do. Everyone has to perform a lot of routine tasks, and there's an enormous amount of this routine. Even a famous pianist has to play scales for three hours a day, and that doesn't mean he enjoys it. He just has to do it. Pianists have a wonderful expression I heard many years ago: "I practice while my fingers are alive." Of course, it's monotonous, but you get pleasure from it. This is also true for business people: they enjoy their work. They approach routine tasks with the attitude: "This must be done, and I will do it with pleasure." And I am sure that this is not the difference between mediocre performance and effective work, but between an organization called learning and an organization that may demonstrate high efficiency but is not missed by anyone after five o'clock in the evening. Tip of the Day: Practice while your fingers are alive.

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