What kind of memory do you want to leave behind? When I was thirteen, I had a remarkable theology teacher. One day, he started asking each student in the class in turn: "What kind of memory do you want to leave behind?" Naturally, none of us could answer. He smiled and said, "I knew you wouldn't be able to answer. But if you can't answer this question by the time you're fifty, you've lived your life in vain." I always ask: "What kind of memory do you want to leave behind?" This question stimulates self-improvement because it forces you to look at yourself differently—to see the person you can become. And it's good if someone with moral authority asks you this question early enough that you continue to ask it of yourself throughout your life. TIP OF THE DAY What kind of memory do you want to leave behind?
Had a profound moment reading @mightytm's latest blog post. It recalls a remarkable teacher who asked a question that stuck: "What kind of memory do you want to leave behind?" This simple query drives lifelong self-improvement and reflection. Worth pondering every day!