Tasks of a Non-Profit Organization

We have achieved everything we wanted. First, a non-profit organization needs a clear definition of its goals. What is it trying to do? What is its purpose? A non-profit organization should focus more on objectives rather than programs and projects. Programs and projects serve the achievement of goals. They should always be considered temporary and essentially short-lived. Moreover, a non-profit organization should set realistic goals. It is more correct to say: "Our task is to reduce hunger" rather than "Our task is to eradicate hunger." The goal should be achievable and realistic so that one can eventually say: "Our task is accomplished. We have achieved everything we wanted." If the goal is not reached after repeated attempts, it should be recognized as incorrect or improperly defined. The inability to achieve the goal is a clear reason to doubt its accuracy (this is especially difficult for most government institutions to agree with). TIP OF THE DAY. Formulate the goals of your non-profit organization. Do they consist of achievable tasks or abstract ideas without specific deadlines? In the latter case, formulate a realistic and achievable goal.

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