"For what it’s worth, Alumni Associations are some of the most valuable associations for discovering corporate opportunities ranging from funding to sponsorships to mentorship and so on. But..."
Welcome to OMGIC! This might be my first time in a while putting together my newsletter for two weeks in a row.
You could say we're sooooooooo back. The crypto space has been buzzing with life and activity in a while as you can see from the post below.
A lot has happened, a lot IS happening. Before we dive into today's topic, here's a quick recap video of the week's crypto news.
This is the Crypto Midweek Catchup, enjoy it!
Alumni Associations
Not enough Web3 communities organize around shared experiences, for good reason too.
I mean, this is only possibly the most international and culturally diverse industries on the planet. either that or I’m completely delusional. One way or the other, the Crypto community feels a lot more like a university than it feels like the Stock market or Commodity market community.
At the very least, I am more likely to see a Crypto founder securing million-dollar deals in sweatpants and a pudgy penguin hoodie.
While the amount of drama is certainly a parallel, there’s a lot we could learn about building, governing and engaging communities.
One of the ways prestigious schools of all levels remain prestigious is by a common d*ck measuring contest called Alumni Associations. For what it’s worth, Alumni Associations are some of the most valuable associations for discovering corporate opportunities ranging from funding to sponsorships to mentorship and so on.
But here’s why I dislike them: Politics.
Alumni Associations often involve having a group of executives who are usually, the popular guys or the people who contribute the most when there’s something to be paid for. The desire to be a part of this group usually depends on who else is a member of the Alum association and who participation gives you access to.
While the politics of it makes for less nostalgia and more Adulthood than we want to deal with around childhood friends, there is no denying that participation in these often depressing meetings are driven by two things we do not take enough advantage of in the crypto space:
Nostalgia and Personal Interests
DAOs that capitalize on both of these factors will create communities capable of persevering through the boredom of politics.
That's all for today's OMGIC! This was put together with the least amount of pictures I've ever used in a newsletter.
A few house-keeping notes:
With the market coming back, it is likely that you have a lot more coming in your mail or XMTP. My goal with OMGIC is to create something with a significantly higher quality than my Twitter/X feed.
To that end, I will be switching the schedule from a weekly to a bi-weekly newsletter. I'm doing this in the hopes of curating something split into sections such that you have a refreshing read from one to the next.
Have the most amazing weekend.