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Part 2: How to code your own Ai app with help with Ai forget college…

Copy Paste Coders

First this isn’t a shot at my fellow college students. Lol, no that was to get your attention. I was 25 in classes with 18 year old’s and the learning curve for coding for me and from my environment was like jumping off a cliff and I just brought the parachute. It was a lot, and also the beginning curriculum for the first year was more the history of programming language then hands on coding which i wanted to do.

I wanted to build an app or website based of my ideas and make into a business. What a less hassle it would be versus having to do an actual start up or hustling in the streets. We are also in the tech age, and a lot of us are understanding the change and benefiting. A lot of people aren't and/or know how. Or where to start, like I did in a manner. I dropped out, personal life.. but i then also went into still learning but from YouTube. And that was even a better learning curve. For the basic principle of

  • Being able to do the code with the person

  • Pausing the video and actual being able to go back

  • Sometimes being able to get help from the person from YouTube or his/her community.

It didn’t feel like a regime to learning just one thing at one time that didn’t have the actual application in the same manner of time spent to learn….

Lets leave that there..

So lets fast forward I'm older, and a father. So just the time to learn this is difficult. Well was, see now we have ai, Artificial Intelligence. Like the terminator movie or like iron man. But let me make it more realistic and simple. These ai system that are just now being consumer friendly to the public, are computers built off all the information on the internet. So these systems know everything from

Algebra to Physics to Astrology. And guess what coding language cause guess what its built of off = Coding. The idea then came to me, right versus watching massive youtube videos how about i use every free ai system like a teacher and ask it to teach me coding.

And this was before cursor and the many other development ai code assistant came out. I was at first just using:

  • Chatgpt

  • Gemini (Bard)

  • ChatLang

  • Then ai that where included in the Docs of these systems like Vercel and Clerk

But now there is thousands. So that to me is like using thousands of web apps to teach me on a specific topic. That are SUPER SMART lol. Even former Google Ex CEO Eric Schmidt talked about the implementations of ai and the future impact on society.

(Video link:

This is a person that’s like man this is something way out our hands. He spoke on if a person just told it what to do, how to do it, the necessary information and then applied it? I even asked ai how to make $10,000 as a single dad with no money. And a lot of it actually worked. So not to get off topic, if you read this far then this is something that interest you. Like me so here is a journey and i also will be dropping videos and more on the actual steps and the trials and errors.

Stay tune for more.

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