The Four Mighty Gods
Thousands of years passed before the ancient gods finally completed their mission to search the universe for new seeds and DNA samples. When they finally arrived in their galaxy, they saw from a far distance that the Earth was covered in a strange white glow.
Once in the Earth’s atmosphere, They investigated the planet to find out what went wrong. They were extremely shocked because they immediately understood that they could have prevented this. With the four gods overwhelmed with a sense of pride after creating the earth, the ancients lost their focus and made the wrong choice to all go on the same mission to collect more DNA.
Without hesitating for to long, the ancient gods decided immediately to start the recovery plan. Fortunately, the ancients knew exactly how to restore the world. They immediately started warming the earth so that the ice cover disappeared, but they knew that this time had to be different, had to be better and a solution had to be found to prevent future problems.
To ensure that they would not make any more mistakes, they decided to make a powerful pact. A pact where the good qualities and bad qualities are balanced and divided.
Each of the four gods is associated with their own wisdom, power, element and color:
Nanna is goddess of the moon and represents the color grey, her element is darkness and is therefor known as conqueror of darkness. The goddess Nanna had many powers and wisdom but her most important ones where, astrology, war and anger.
Goddess of the Moon
Helios is god of the sun and represent the color yellow, his element is luminous and is therefor know as Luminousness. The god Helios had many powers and wisdom but his most important ones where light, happiness, love and heat.
God of the Sun
Geb is god of the earth and represent the color green, his element is terra and is therefor know as originator of terra. The god Geb had many powers and wisdom but his most important ones where control, growth, agriculture and hunting.
God of the Earth
Nut is god of the sky and represents the color blue, his element is atmosphere and is therefor know as ruler of the atmosphere. The god Nut had many powers and wisdom but his most important ones where lightning, honour, time and tears.
God of the Sky
The four gods together created the Circulus Quattuor an sacred artifact consists of four orbs, each representing a god, connected in a circle of balance, which was composed of their four associated elements of Terra, Atmosphere, Luminous, and Darkness. The Circulus Quattuor, literal translation “circle of four,” was a significant element because it mirrored the abilities, powers and wisdom of the four gods and served to achieve balance.
Circulus Quattuor
As they restored life to Earth, the gods knew they had to create something new, something that could support the gods and help share their knowledge and power with the people to further develop civilization. They had the idea to create a second civilization but more intelligent, and with direct contact with the gods themselves to easily share the needed wisdom.
But as always a new problem arose, how can you create a civilization that is going to help another civilization, when the purpose of their creation of humanity was precisely for them to become independent and have their own consciousness. They wanted to give humanity the feeling that they were alone with the animals and that they evolved themselves.
The four gods faced a challenge to create something that was not actually there, but that would fulfil their tasks by transferring knowledge and being vigilant in times when the gods would be gone.
To be continued…