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Building the Foundation: Oscillator's Path to a Music Social Graph

An update on our first 6 months and precursor to Factory, our new app

Hey everyone,

Six months ago we announced Oscillator to the onchain music and greater crypto space. I want to share an update on our journey and introduce you to our next big step: Factory.

First, let me restate why we started Oscillator. We believe in the power of decentralized identity and verifiable data sharing as the ultimate use of decentralization for music. Imagine fans portably bringing their song listening history, likes, playlists, and favorite artists across different platforms. This would restore a desperately needed dimension to our relationship with music—something that's been in decay since the dawn of streaming. For artists, the era of depending on platforms to host your fanbase, withhold it from you, and lock you into extractive relationships will become a thing of the past, thanks to what decentralization can bring to the web. This vision of a music social graph – where artists and fans have control over their data and identity – remains our north star.

This vision continues to drive us, however, after six months of exploration, we've realized the market isn't quite ready for a full protocol implementation. So, we're adapting our approach.

Enter Factory – an app we're building that's all about music curation. Simple as that. It's where people will come to talk about the music they love.

Why are we building an app first? We believe the best way to realize our long-term vision is to start where the music community already is. By creating Factory, we're laying the groundwork for the music social graph to emerge organically.

Our commitment hasn't changed:

  1. We're still dedicated to building valuable, portable data for artists – data they'll never have to pay for.

  2. We're creating a space for fans to develop a permanent music identity that they own, not platforms.

  3. We're committed to making this data portable and available to all applications, subject to artist and user consent.

Factory is our proving ground for Oscillator. As we grow, we'll be gathering insights and building the community that will eventually be the first users of the protocol.

You might have seen me talk about Factory or even received a test invite by now. We're excited to launch it soon and can't wait for you all to join the conversation. If you haven’t yet and want to try it out please get in touch.

Thanks for being part of this journey. The destination hasn't changed, but we're taking a more scenic route to get there.

Stay tuned for more on Factory,


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