Follow once, follow everywhere

New ideas for an open music industry

This is how it should work.

You follow someone on one app → automatically follow them on every other active crypto app.

Artists shouldn’t have to rebuild their audience every time there’s a new trending platform. That’s web2 thinking. Artists should own their audience and take it with them from one app to another.

This gives artists more power, leverage and longevity, while platforms can avoid the "cold-start" problem by automatically tapping into existing social connections.

Instead of audience lock-in, platforms would now compete purely on features and incentives.

Open social graphs and crypto apps make this possible, but many are still building islands.

Many platforms onchain today still default to closed social and data systems because it feels counter-intuitive to give up access. Instead, we should consider it positive sum for the entire onchain movement — which every active platform stands to benefit from.

"Follow once, follow everywhere" is possible but only if we collaborate.

Think bigger than ourselves and embrace the network effects this brings.

Every week we'll send you ideas and inspiration for a new music industry built on open data.

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