Our silly little music app bootstrapped a whole new social graph

This week we launched Poke.

A music app where you pick your top 8 artists and match with others who like the same music as you.

If you find a match, you can Poke them.

It’s fun and simple and a bit silly but it’s actually really powerful.

More than 250 people have tried it so far. They picked 1,000 different artists. Generating over 2,000 matches.

693 Pokes.

This small experiment has bootstrapped a whole new social graph that Oscillator will make portable.

All Pokes and Top 8s are linked with Farcaster IDs.

But what about music taste?

Music is a core part of our identity and social connections.

Your 8 favorite artists says a lot about your personality, who you are as a person and who you might connect with.

It captures your most personal memories and deepest feelings.

Quiet moments listening to life-changing records.

Euphoric nights with friends at festivals, clubs and parties.

From today, we've created a web of social music connections, all attached to our onchain identities.

Most importantly, it's all open data.

Spotify, Instagram and other Web2 companies already capture a lot of this information, but they keep it to themselves, use it for advertising incentives, or release limited versions on APIs that could get rugged at any time.

We're doing it differently. All the information lives on Oscillator — a hyper-optimized, open data protocol for music data.

Anyone will be able to come and build on top of it. For example, artists will be able to see who put them in their top 8 and reward them. If the Farcaster user has a verified wallet linked, you can airdrop rewards or give them early access to new songs or tickets.

Soon, anyone can build new products on top like music leaderboards, chat rooms and incentives. Want to target everyone on Farcaster that likes Four Tet? With Oscillator, you will have an easy way.

This is just the start...

This is what's possible with a few hundred early users on Farcaster.

What happens if we extend this to Lens ... then Twitter ... then Instagram? Bringing millions of music data points onchain.

And what if we build even more apps on top of Oscillator that shares all this open music data in a composable way?

If you haven't tried Poke yet, go try it here and follow us on Twitter for more updates.

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