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An Introduction To Overplus Newsletter

Gain knowledge to turn your minus to overplus.


Hello and welcome to the Overplus Newsletter.

In this post, I put together a simple guide for the new readers to navigate this newsletter.
By the way, I'm glad you're reading this; thanks and God bless you.

1. Why this, why now?

I'm a natural-born writer who has been writing since the age of twelve; but one thing that supercedes my love of writing is teaching the word of God and the mysteries of the kingdom of God.

I simply don't struggle to teach such things because God has given me the grace to be able to do that; in other words, I was born to do it.

This ability is so manifest that a pastor once said that if I teach someone the word of God and the person doesn't understand it, it means that person can never learn anything.

This is my life and I can't help but live it.

Meanwhile, it becomes a burden when God gives me so much through divine inspiration and I'm too lazy to share it.

I started this newsletter to enable my readers to cultivate the character of Christ, live in God's present presence and manifest on earth as God's sons and daughters with full power and authority, as well as receive divine counsel that will help them turn their minus to overplus, connect with like-minded believers and broaden their spiritual horizons.

This newsletter will feed our community members with due season meat (Mt 24:45), which will in turn prevent them from ending up as meat in satan's belly.

2. What kind of community am I looking to build here?

I'm looking to build a whole tribe of believers who love all people, love God, lives rapture-ready and shares the true gospel.
As a close knit community, I expect my readers to grow in faith and love through my writings, follow each other as well as our community social media channels and share our newsletters with their coworkers, friends and family to help our tribe grow.

Occasionally, I expect readers to make occasional use of the collect button.

In so doing you become a co-labourer with me in the work of the kingdom and will be entitled to receive a reward both in this lifetime and hereafter.

3. The specifics

The newsletter will come in three different threads or sections:

• Thinking Olive Series

This newsletter series will try to inform you about world events from a spiritual point of view; as well as short critical messages in the urgency of heaven. I call them "The Message of The Hour".

• Master’s Feet Series

This newsletter series will bring you teachings from the present presence of God, based purely on the word of God and with unction to catapult you from where you are to where you ought to be. The key to reap the most benefit from this series is to believe, act on what you believe and become what you believe. In other words, be a doer, not a hearer only.

• Root of David Series

This newsletter series will bring you short but powerful teachings on spiritual gifts, Christlikeness and greater works.

4. Timeline

You can expect to receive the newsletter once or twice a week, as God permits.

Remain blessed. Maranatha.


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