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embrace constraints

setting constraints to romanticize my life

A constraint is a limitation of ability.

Amish people don't use cars or electricity. In a world of automation, the Amish choose to farm with manual tools and ride in a horse and buggy. When told about the merits of embracing new technology, they simply refuse. The constraint that Amish people set for themselves, offers them self sufficiency outside of technology.

A constraint restricts capability, that's true, but it offers breakthroughs like none other. Ask the Amish. Constraints are needed for creation to happen. To demonstrate constraints as a writer, below is a two sentence story made up of 50 words:

The bet was for 50 bucks and all I had to do to win was drink only 2 shots the entire night. My incentive—aside from cash—was to lower the enzymes in my liver, but I lost within minutes of betting by drinking two shots, one modello, and some sips of champagne.

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