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Art Spotlight - Pelts

A digital art project born from an artist’s love of animals.

If you also love animals, you can't miss out on this project: Pelts (2023), signed by the artist 6ixty, is available on the Fxhash platform and awaiting the next iteration.

Pelts #47 - On Galerie Gaudard collection.

The artwork is programmed in p5.js and aesthetically produces variations of outputs that remind us of animal fur, both wild and domestic, in various shades and textures. As we start the process of creating the artwork, we notice the little hairs growing organically on the screen. "Different opacities and angles reveal that nature is simply a geometric construction," says the artist, who describes himself as self-taught on a Commodore 64 with BASIC.

Pelts #40 - On egonisnoise.eth/.tez collection.

"Each pelt is made using rows and columns of triangular shapes layered on top of each other," explains 6ixty. Pelts is also programmed to be completely scalable and capable of being printed in high resolution.

6ixty's proposal makes us reflect on the industries and "sports" that are based on cruelty to animals. "Pelts is a project born from my love of animals. Or more directly, my hatred of big game hunting, factory farming, and all other acts of animal cruelty, big or small from clodhoppers mauling their way through life without a thought of the destruction they leave in their wake."


Pelts #9 - On Gems collection.

The fashion industry has been constantly pressured for more sustainable actions and solutions. Currently, well-positioned brands in the market, such as Stella McCartney, have become a reference for not using fur or even animal leather, finding alternatives to showcase the beauty of nature in their pieces, without being at the cost of animal life. Prints based on generative art, like Pelts, for example, are even an excellent way to create a collection mimicking fauna, and uniquely and exclusively for each client.


Peltz #22 - On Pixel Planet collection.

FxHash is a place with great propositions from artists who create forms through computational code. Infinite iterations, as this type of process is called in which a sequence of instructions or actions is executed several times, are possible in this environment: the collector is part of the creation process, in a way, and uniquely finalizes their artwork.

For example, in a loop in programming languages ​​like Python, C ++, Java, among others, the instructions inside the loop are executed repeatedly until a termination condition is reached. Each execution of these instructions inside the loop is an iteration. Iterations are fundamental in algorithms and are widely used for processing data, performing complex calculations, and executing repetitive tasks efficiently. They are essential for automation and for solving computational problems.

Pelts #34 - On fauxjebus collection.

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