It’s been just over a month since we ventured into accepting crypto payments. Instead of pouring developer resources and time into architecting the perfect solution for our initial release, we built a scrappy MVP (Minimum Viable Product) in one week to test the waters. We’re pleased to share that, after one month of enabling new Pinata customers to pay with cryptocurrency, we’ve seen significant traction and are actively working on enhancing the MVP.
Why Crypto Payments?
Our mission at Pinata is to make our customers’ lives easier by introducing new features that meet their needs and improve their experience. Over the past few months, many customers have been requesting the ability to pay with crypto. Existing users inquired about our plans to add this option, and prospective customers asked about it prior to signing up. The lack of crypto payment support had become a barrier for some, and a preferred option for many.
Building and Testing The MVP
To gauge the initial interest, we quickly rolled out an annual pay-with-crypto option for both the Picnic and Fiesta plans. We utilized Loop Crypto’s system to help execute the transactions and purposefully accepted UX shortcomings on our side in order to link our systems as quickly as possible. Our goal was to get the feature out swiftly and learn from real user interactions. The positive response and number of new customers who chose this option have been encouraging, and we were pleasantly surprised to see that users were willing to work through a somewhat manual signup process to pay with crypto.
Our quick and dirty approach allowed us to validate the demand before dedicating more time and resources towards building out the full solution. We’ve learned that addressing a key pain point with a desired feature will prove results even if customers must meet us halfway. With this customer validation in hand, we’re excited to iterate on our MVP and streamline customer flow over the coming months.
If you’re interested in paying for an upfront annual plan with crypto, you can check out our pricing options here. Happy Pinning!