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Co-evolving towards a ↑ Higher Civilization

Part 1: Crypto needs to aim for a higher consciousness

$HIGHER is a new scene coin on Base. Why on earth does the world need this?

Crypto is often accused of being a solution that’s looking for a problem.

Ok, here is a beefy problem:

"All of these technological promises of the future, all they require energy and will have a draw on our natural endowment of species, soil, forests, biosphere, and oceans. So technology can't solve our problems unless we change our values and consciousness and what are our goals and aspirations are as a culture." - Nate Hagans, The Great Simplification

What’s the consciousness of crypto? What are the aspirations of the ↑Higher Collective?

My proposal: aim ↑Higher for a holistic worldview towards wholeness

Spiral Dynamics is a theoretical model of human development that describes the evolution of values, beliefs, and consciousness through eight distinct stages, each represented by a different color. This is an long-form easy-to read primer with lots of memes.

Spiral Dynamics provides a framework for understanding and navigating complex social, organisational, and personal changes by recognising the diverse value systems that drive human behaviour and societal evolution. Even the crypto space has arguably gone through these stages:

  • Beige (Instinctive Survivalist): Represents basic survival needs. Early Bitcoin miners, driven by the need for financial independence.

  • Purple (Magical Animistic): Focuses on safety and belonging. Early crypto communities and forums, where trust and mutual support were crucial.

  • Red (Impulsive Egocentric): Characterised by power and dominance. Early crypto founders like CZ of Binance and SBF, who shaped the market through their influence.

  • Blue (Purposeful Authoritarian): Emphasises order and rules. The SEC's deterring regulation by enforcement regulations and the EU's MiCa legislation illustrate this.

  • Orange (Achievist Strategic): Driven by success and innovation. The rapid development and commercialisation of blockchain technologies, such as the race to launch Bitcoin ETFs.

  • Green (Communitarian Egalitarian): Values community and sustainability. Greenpill Network, ReFi DAO, promoting regenerative crypto economics; from Degen to Regen meme.

  • Yellow (Integrative Systemic): Seeks to harmonise complex systems. The development of DAOs and sophisticated governance models. Ethereum Foundation.

  • Teal (Holistic Global): Embraces global consciousness. The vision of Web3 as a transparent and inclusive financial system. World Computer = Truth Machine.

Teal is a big Deal – integrating all prior levels

All colours are good and bad. Narcissism can be terrible (Trump) and great (founders).

Rules (blue) can be good. Code is based on strict rules.

Communitarian can be catastrophic: Cancer from extreme woke. Personally, the meme from degen to regen feels still dualistic and doesn't resonate with my being and doing. I know I am not alone! Good bridge building: degenxregen manifesto by @nicnode

Could ↑Higher be the middle way? A DAO in the spirit of Daoism? A movement where people can make money with internet friends – AND – extend this to more friends and ultimately kick-back to everyone? Could $HIGHER even be the first interspecies money?

This is not some Hippy Dippy Kumbaya - it will sooner or later become an existential nesceccity:

"We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody." - Buckminster Fuller (20th century innovative futurist polymath)

So how can operate our Spaceship? Developing ↑Higher into a global movement of aiming for Teal Organizations of all sizes seems better than Centralised C-Corps.

Spending time on Farcaster suggests you have high autonomy and agency.

What do you want to use this for? What do you want to do with your wealth accumulated in the Casino?

@cdixon.eth calls for less Casino and more Computer in Read. Write. Own.

The problem remains: whatever we build with this World Computer, it will still have our current value system baked in. No technology is holistic enough.

We need a new Culture, a dawn of a new era, an epoch even: the Regenerative Renaissance

How do you change culture?

Can only change yourself, here-and-now.

Don’t you know this is true? This is my truth, and I am in the business of personal transformation for 50 years.

Scratching my own itch, I have developed the Psychedelic Map For Change since 2020. I might re-brand it into The Map For A ↑Higher Civilisation.

This is the first of six planned articles. Subscribe to receive the next parts directly into your inbox.

2 – Levels of Life

3 – Realms of Reality

4 – Consciousness of Choices

5 – Cycle of Change

6 – Idea for a very different Farcaster Client

I hope this will prompt comments, critique, ideas and above all: higher ↑vibrations.


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