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Moving Phasevos to the PolyInGamer site

This is my video game series I have been working on all year.

Now this is something I've thought about once a month. As a game series they do justify having their own site, and I may regret this decision down the line. However the only thing ON that site are the variety of posts I've shared. From what the series IS to the monthly development logs that are my personal journey as the creator.

Now I could've kept going on with that, but I already have this site separate from my main content site. Having a third just seemed unnecessary from a personal standpoint.

Since the game dev is slow, and I wanted to make sure people actually saw those logs. It might make sense to just have them on here. I mean this is a gaming site after all, and it would lead to me being more active on here too.

I am moving all of the posts to here

I'm gonna try to slip in one or two normal PolyInGamer posts in between all of the dev logs, so that it isn't just a chunk of different posts.

Also once the game gets going ready to release, then I might focus more on that content wise on here. However it would be exciting! Let me explain what Phasevos are to you!

The World of Phasevos

These are magnificent creatures, much in the line of thinking of Digimon or Pokemon. Where you capture them and battle with others. Given that I am a solo dev, there have been a huge rise in AI technologies that had motivated me to finally get started on that journey.

These creatures come through phase rifts in the multiverse, and come into our world. You take the role of a tamer, who is going across the province doing quests for the towns, taking on the Arc challenges, and completing Phasesist Tasks.

However the similarities end there. Not only am I using AI to accelerate the conception process, but I am using human ingenuity to finalize each design. Meaning I get the numbers of AI generated content, but the quality from a person.

I hope to have far more creatures in the game, or at least multiple forms for each creature. Making each form give an extra layer of customization that you can create.

I hope you are looking forward to the games, and the dev logs I share pre-release information and designs!

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