🗣 Quilibrium - The Internet is dead. Long live the Internet! ✌️

Exploring the Cutting-Edge Technologies Behind Quilibrium Vision for a Better Internet

...Imagine a world where data privacy and security are not just a promise, but a reality accessible to everyone. A world where applications are not dependent on central tech giants. This is the vision Quilibrium is realizing
- a groundbreaking platform built on the foundation of a decentralized
computing network and a distributed p2p database based on graphs.
Operating in a Platform-as-a-Service model.

Quilibrium challenges the dominance of large cloud providers, aiming to democratize access to technology. It does not rely on traditional consensuses such as Proof of Work or Proof of Stake. Instead, it introduces an innovative consensus mechanism with random leader selection for block generation, called Proof of Meaningful Work, which forms the foundation for a fair and efficient network.

🔳The Vision of Quilibrium Project

Quilibrium aspires to be more than just secure storage for digital data.
It will not be another data storage. It's an ecosystem where developers have true freedom to create and host their projects in a decentralized, secure,
and anonymous way.

This is an ambitious project with a broad scope, aiming to become the foundation for the decentralized Internet of the future - open, secure,
and resistant to censorship. They want to enable the creation of decentralized applications (dAAps) that will operate in a secure and private environment
- a key element of Quilibrium's vision.

Quilibrium looks at cloud computing infrastructure from a new perspective
- one offered by giants like AWS, Microsoft Azure, or IBM Cloud, but infuses it with the spirit of decentralization. Here, developers find not only a haven for their applications but also full control over data and privacy, avoiding the pitfalls of centralization. But don't think this is some utopia.
Quilibrium is a real solution to real problems of today's Internet.

Every developer can find a safe haven for their projects here, just like in popular clouds like AWS or Azure. But with the difference that in Quilibrium there is no central sheriff, and anonymity and decentralization go hand in hand with security.

The basis of Quilibrium operation is the use of advanced encryption mechanisms like E2EE, DBOS technology, or the RPM routing protocol,
which increases anonymity and makes it difficult to track communication in the network. All this creates an unprecedented layer of security.
Developers can thus create applications that not only protect user data but also secure themselves against external attacks, ensuring reliability and continuity in a distributed environment.

The decentralized nature of Quilibrium also fosters anonymity, allowing for the creation of applications that can function without revealing unnecessary data about users or creators themselves.

Quilibrium brings hope for an Internet where control returns to the hands of users and creators, where security is not just an option, and security is not seen as an option, but as a fundamental standard.

I would like to add that Quilibrium is in a coalition with the Global Encryption Coalition, alongside companies such as Mozilla, Cloudflare, Mullvad VPN, XMTP_labs, Nord VPN, and the Tor project - this underscores Quilibrium commitment to promoting strong encryption practices and defending digital privacy worldwide 👏

The project has the ambition to be a leader in the field of decentralized data processing and encryption, introducing innovative solutions that will serve the global Internet community.

Finally, here is the vision of the Quilibrium project in bullet points:

  • Network democratization: Enabling every device in the world to act as a node, increasing decentralization

  • Low hardware requirements: They want to adapt the project so that even devices with limited resources can participate in the network.
    Ultimately they want a node to be able to run even on a Raspberry Pi v4

  • Security and privacy: Guaranteeing users sovereignty over their data thanks to E2EE OHG SLRP RPM GossipSub and other securing
    & encrypting technologies

  • Transparency and cost efficiency: Clear and fair billing model, payments only for actual usage with the option to tokenize resources

  • Unlimited global access: Eliminating downtime due to regional failures thanks to the distributed nature of the p2p network

  • Versatile application: Possibilities of use in various industries, from application hosting to advanced computing and AI (more on this below)

🔳 Technologies Used

The Quilibrium project utilizes a range of modern technologies to ensure a high level of security and privacy in the digital world. Each brings unique features and capabilities, together forming a comprehensive and advanced platform.

Here's a brief overview of the key technologies used in Quilibrium:

  • DBOS(Database-oriented operating system): This is the heart of the project. DBOS is an operating system based on a distributed database, operating on a P2P basis without a central sheriff. Imagine it as the brain of the network, where each neuron is a user's computer.
    This system provides direct access to device data and enables the construction of more efficient data structures and applications.

  • FDV's (Verifiable Delay Functions): These are cryptographic functions ensuring that computations will take a predetermined time, regardless of computational power. Thanks to them, Quilibrium can maintain fairness and equality in the network, where time is an immutable resource and results are quickly verifiable. It's like an incorruptible judge ensuring that in the digital race, everyone has equal chances, no matter how powerful their computer is.

  • E2EE Encryption (End-to-End Encryption): An encryption method that guarantees that only communicating parties can decrypt and understand the content of a message. This is essential for protecting the privacy and security of communications in the Quilibrium network.

  • Triple-Ratchet: This is an advanced encryption algorithm in Quilibrium that ensures that even if one message is intercepted, the next ones will remain secure. It's a bit like changing locks - each time different, always solid.

  • Oblivious Hypergraph (OHG) - a mysterious box that allows asking questions without revealing what exactly we're asking about. Thanks to this, data in Quilibrium is like treasures buried on a desert island, with a map that only the right person can read. Oblivious Hypergraph uses ideas from the well-known field of cryptography called Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP)

  • Shuffled Lattice Routing Protocol (SLRP) in Quilibrium is an advanced information delivery system that protects user data from unwanted surveillance in an extremely effective way. It works on similar principles as Tor, known from the darknet, using a complicated redirection model, which ensures that the data transmission path is masked. SLRP in Quilibrium is like a masked courier who delivers data in such a way that no one knows where it came from and where it's going. This is a way for the digital postman to be invisible to prying eyes. This innovative solution allows for secure and anonymous communication in the network, where not only the endpoints, but the entire route of data transmission remains hidden from outsiders. In the digital world, where privacy is becoming an increasingly valuable commodity, SLRP in Quilibrium is drawing new standards in information protection.

  • RPM (Random Permutation Mixnet): Quilibrium uses RPM to 'mix' digital traces in such a way that even the most inquisitive cannot track who is talking to whom. It's like a digital version of magic ink that disappears right after reading the message. This adds an extra layer of privacy and security.

  • GossipSub: This is a technology optimized for privacy and Sybil attack reduction, which allows for anonymous data exchange, protecting against attacks and reducing redundant computations. Thanks to this, communication in the Quilibrium network is both efficient and secure.

🔳 Quilibrium - Application Sectors:

  • Hosting and cloud services: An alternative to traditional providers (AWS, Azure, IBM cloud), increasing privacy and security for companies and creators.

  • Data Protection: The platform aims to provide companies and organizations with tools for secure storage and processing of sensitive data, with the possibility of use in various industries, from finance to healthcare.

  • Secure Communication: Thanks to E2EE, Quilibrium can offer secure communication channels for individual users and companies, protecting against eavesdropping and other forms of cyberattack.

  • Application Development (dAAps): The project creates devkit & dashboard tools for developers to make building on the network easier. Quilibrium focuses on facilitating the creation and deployment of decentralized applications that can take advantage of encryption and decentralized data processing.

  • Data Processing and AI: An environment for advanced computing and artificial intelligence, supporting technological development.

  • Gaming and Entertainment: Game hosting and digital entertainment offering lower latency and greater privacy protection for users.

🔳 A Few Words about Global Encryption Coalition

Quilibrium testimony in the Global Encryption Coalition adds legitimacy to the project. They are top tier in the world of cybersecurity and privacy - alongside giants like Mozilla, Cloudflare, and even my VPN leaders, Mullvad VPN.
Not forgetting the legendary Tor Project and the innovative XMTP_labs ! ;)

Why is this so important? 🤔

IMHO - It's not just about the technology here. It's about freedom, about being able to chat, surf or even grumble on the web without worrying about someone looking over your shoulder. Working hand in hand with the rest of the coalition is not only a chance to improve network security, but also a real influence on how the world perceives and uses encryption.

After all, in the digital age, our data is ourselves, right? 🤔
Quilibrium is joining this coalition not just to brag. I believe it's about something more - about building a world where every click, every word typed on the web, remains ours, private, secure. And you know what?

The fact that they're on the same team with such technologically savvy projects gives me hope that maybe, this internet world will become a safer and more decentralized place. Unfortunately, Web2 didn't go in a good direction when it comes to privacy or ownership.

🔳 Risk

The risks associated with the Quilibrium project are multidimensional,
and include both technological challenges and issues related to market adoption and legal regulations. Here are some potential risks worth knowing:

  • Technological complexity: Quilibrium introduces a number of advanced technologies that may be difficult to understand and implement for some users and developers. The complicated architecture and innovative approaches may hinder rapid adoption on a large scale.
    However, there will be a devkit & dashboard to facilitate creation on the network. The question is how helpful the team will be.

  • Regulatory compliance: The project focuses on privacy and decentralization, which may raise questions about compliance with existing regulations, especially in the context of increasing AML (anti-money laundering) , and KYC requirements. It is uncertain how the law will evolve to keep pace with technological progress, and whether Quilibrium will be able to adapt to potential new requirements.
    On the other hand, they did not have a fundraiser, which often causes the biggest problems with the regulator.

  • Data security: Despite the use of advanced encryption mechanisms and privacy protection, no system is free from risk. Potential security vulnerabilities may be a target for hacker attacks, which could undermine trust in the platform.

  • Scalability: A challenge facing many blockchain and decentralized projects is ensuring high scalability while maintaining security and decentralization. Quilibrium has to demonstrate that it is able to handle increasing network load without negatively impacting performance.

  • Adoption: Despite promises of a revolution in the internet and offering unique solutions, Quilibrium success depends on adoption by developers, companies and end users. The challenge will be to convince a wider audience to change existing habits and trust a new platform. However, they are close to BASE & Farcaster, which are getting loud.
    I see that a few strong OG's are also supporting this project & network.

In summary, while Quilibrium presents itself as a promising project with the potential for significant change in the way we use the internet and manage data, it also comes with challenges and risks. How the project deals with these risks and whether it succeeds in building a strong community around its premises will be key.

🔳 Cassandra Heart - a few words about CEO

Cassandra Heart, CEO of the Quilibrium project, is a true visionary dissatisfied with centralization in the digital world. Her mission is to change this state of affairs, which is clearly visible in her involvement in the development of Farcaster - an innovative, decentralized social media platform that she has also been interested in for a long time. Likely due to ideological reasons, she left Coinbase, which underscores her dedication to Quilibrium - a project that aims to revolutionize our approach to online privacy and security.

Cassandra is a person who is not afraid to criticize dominant, centralized giants like Twitter, thereby demonstrating her commitment to building a more private and decentralized internet. As an interesting fact, I will add that the project does not even have a Discord channel (official) , Cassandra claims that tools such as Discord, despite their popularity, do not meet the privacy
& decentralization standards that are key to Quilibrium vision.

In response, she announced the creation of her own decentralized P2P communicator, which is to serve as the main communication channel for the project community. This shows her determination in striving for a world where privacy and security come first, and not just as an addition to existing solutions.

Finally, one more interesting fact about how Cassandra approaches projects that organize Venture Capital or KOLs (influencer) fundraisers.
Cassandra approaches this with a great deal of ethics. She emphasizes that a fair launch does not cause the feeling of a 'whip on the back'. With large investors, many things have to be consulted with them, there is not as much freedom and you can't go with the flow, which makes it harder to realize your own vision. In her opinion, the approach to selling tokens not only collides with the principles of fairness, but also "internally damages the project" and calls into question the morality of the entire undertaking.

The decision to abandon pre-sale tokens shows how much Cassandra believes that the Quilibrium should be open and fair to anyone who wants to get involved. This approach sets Quilibrium apart from other blockchain projects.

How many projects with a fair launch do you know? I can only think of a few on the fly, only $BTC & $TAO come to mind. Many POWs had large pre-mint just for the TEAM, possibly for their homies, so it's hard to qualify them for this category 😉

In Quilibrium (probably) , there was a small round to cover development costs, but it was not in the form of token sales, but equity. When I find out more about this, I will make an EDIT.

Links to Cassandra's profiles:

🔗 linkedin.com/in/cassandraheart
🔗 warpcast.com @cassie

🔳A few words about the QUIL token

Unfortunately, the exact tokenomics are not yet known (at the time of writing this article). It is to be published around the mainnet dust update v1.5,
which is scheduled for April 19, 2024. Below is some information I have been able to gather so far.

The most important information is the number of tokens in circulation during the v1.5 update. If the update is according to the assumptions, i.e. April 19, 2024, there will be 426 443 753 $QUIL tokens in circulation.

🔽 I made some calculations for you in a spreadsheet 🔽

Reading the project's whitepaper, I came across a clever way to check if our tokens are "clean" - feel libra dirty tokens vibe here ? 😂

Quilibrium use something like a 'dirty money detector' - the Bloom filter.
It works like a database with the address of everyone who had a given token. Before accepting $QUIL tokens, you check the filter to see if they are not from the suspicious list. You can merge or split tokens, but their history follows them like a shadow. This is a great way to know who you are doing business with and be sure that your digital gold is not "dirty".

This adds a layer of trust to the system because network participants have additional control over which tokens they interact with. I will add that despite the fact that we can check whether a given coin comes from a bad or good actor, the address of the sender and recipient remains anonymous to the other party of the transaction.

Mining QUIL tokens is related to participating in the network as nodes, which suggests a reward mechanism for participating in maintaining the network infrastructure. The number of tokens issued by the protocol (inflation) is in line with this function:

reward = 161 * log_2(participant_count) QUIL

  • reward is the reward a node receives

  • 161 is the base reward value, which can be set and subject to change as the network evolves

  • log_2 (participant_count) is the logarithmic function base 2 logarithm taking into account the total number of participating nodes in this round of the ceremony

In practice, this means that rewards grow more slowly as the number of participants (nodes) increases. To make it easier to understand I made a graphic:

Initially: With a small number of participants, the increase in rewards is quite steep, which encourages early joining of the network. As for trading, along with the launch of the mainnet, a wallet is to be announced. The token transfer function will also be enabled. Trading in the first weeks will most likely take place via OTC. So be careful, because a lot of people will want to cheat you, there will also probably be fake creations on EVM chains.

I remind you that Quilibrium is its own Layer1 chain so trading in the native token will not take place on Uniswap 😉

Over time, a wrapped version of QUIL will likely be created, but definitely not at the start. There are also rumors that an OTC exchange will be launched by the creators of comswap.io. If that happens, I think most of the trading volume will be there. In retrospect, I consider it a safe solution, and they have earned my trust.

🔳 Summary 🤔

In summary, the Quilibrium project has been catching my attention for several months and has earned my recognition. Its creators follow values that are close to me, which makes this project seem not only innovative, but also ethical. The commitment of my own nodes allows me to gain a deeper understanding and participation in this project. I am eagerly awaiting the launch of the main network, hoping that my support and involvement will be appreciated 🤞

Do I plan to accumulate tokens? 🤔
As always, it depends on the starting market cap. I will be giving updates and thoughts on my twitter , telegram announcement channel,
warpcast, and friendtech.

Remember that nothing I have written is investment advice, these are just my casual reflections on a project that caught my interest

🔗 quilibrium.com

🔗 paragraph.xyz/@quilibrium.com

🔗 warpcast.com /channel/quilibrium

🔗 github.com/QuilibriumNetwork/ceremonyclient

🔗 discord (Unofficial created by the community)


In a tweet dedicated to Quilibrium on my Twitter/X

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Metatags :

Platform-as-a-Service, Privacy, Fair Launch , OTC , Cloud Computing QUIL , PAAS , decentralize , Quilibrium , QUIL , forcaster

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