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A complete guide on how to $BUILD

Learn how to progress

Chapter 1.


Welcome to this guide where we are going to talk about the $BUILD project.

Check this article for more information A Manifesto for Onchain Builders β€” Talent Protocol (

$BUILD is a token of appreciation on Base, and a social game on Farcaster. It rewards on-chain builders via peer nominations. For example, you nominate a Builder and you get 10% of the nomination and the rest 90% goes to the builder you nominated.

In order to gain allowance and start nominating other builders you need to have some Credentials.

If you dont know who, what, how and when, you have come to the right place. We will analyze on how to gain and increase your voting power!

Before we begin i will list here all the links you will need during this Guide:

DISCLAIMER!!!! Not the links i provided is for guidance and i didn't create any of the material. Consider following the people who did!

Table of contents

Chapter 1.

  1. Introduction

Chapter 2.

  1. Talent Protocol Passport

  2. Gitcoin Passport

  3. Builder fi

  4. ENS Domain

  5. Lens Protocol

  6. Github

  7. Linkedin

Chapter 3.

  1. Deploying on Base

  2. Deploying on Celo

Chapter 4.

  1. Nominating for the end.

  2. Thank you

Chapter 2.

Getting started

In order to get started you need to build up your Builder Score. To do that firstly you need to create a Talent Protocol Passport.

1.Talent Protocol Passport.

The passport is must for web3 users as it will take role for lots of things in the future. In this case we need it to increase our builder score.
To create an account, you need to visit Talent Protocol.

After you created your account and your passport you need to connect your socials and start building up your score with the ways we will talk in the rest of this guide.

2.Gitcoin Passport.

Another MUST-have if you are using extensively web3. This will help us to raise the Talent Passport score Significantly.
To create an account, you need to visit Gitcoin Passport | Dashboard.

After you create your account, you will see the dashboard looking like this

The main thing you need to do is to raise your score above 20.
There are different ways to do that, and you can check them out once you create your account.

HINT: Coinbase users get 16 points !!!!

3.Builder fi

Another way to build points is by having some activity on by Talent Protocol.
Once you create your account the are 4 obvious very easy step that you need to follow in the platform in order to get the Talent passport points.


I think most of us by now have or want to get an ENS (Ethereum Name Service).
By doing that you further increase your score and you also get a cool looking .eth handle like mine πŸ™‚ .

5.Lens Protocol

Web3 social that will help us increase our score in Gitcoin Passport and Talent Passport as well.
You can create an account from here Lens Protocol.

NOTICE: In order to create a Lens account, you need 10$.


By having a github account you are eligible to get more points for your Talent Passport.
In order to accumulate more points on Github you need to have daily activity on the platform (even if you dont know how to code) and create repositories for people to like them!

BEWARE ⚑ : Dont spam the repository creation button as if you post way too many repositories daily you will get banned. Try posting 1-3 a day.


Yes, indeed. Linkedin helps you build up more score, soooooo GO GET ONE.

NOTE: That are some ways to increase your Talent Passport score. Feel free to explore more on your own or contact me to explore tohether!

Chapter 3.

Deploying on base

In order to get the base developer and base camp achievements:

you need to deploy some smart contracts on the base chain.

For Base Sepolia Testnet contracts follow this guide (8) Crypp on X: "Starknet has allocated half of the airdrop to developers. Now it's Base turn. Meet these non-obvious criteria and get roles in Discord. Complete Base Camp zero-cost quests and get an airdrop multiplier. πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡" / X.

For Base Mainnet contracts follow this guide Base camp . Exercise 1 (Basic Math) | by Vayia Tourlida | Medium. (Shoutout to Vayia Tourlida for the guide)

After completing those two you can also get the corresponding roles on Base discord server.

Deploying on Celo

In order to get the Celo developer achievement:

you need to deploy some smart contracts on the celo chain.

For Mainnet and Testnet it is the same process, the only thing that changes is the net. When you deploy on Mainnet just switch to metamask on the testnet and redeploy the same contract as you did on mainnet.

Follow this guide to deploy Deploy with Remix | Celo Documentation.

Chapter 4.

Nominating for the end.

After successfully completing all the steps above you are now ready to start nominating from here BUILD, with higher score allowance! The more the better!

You have 3 nominations per day that reset daily at 00:00 UTC. Nominate daily to keep your streak and increase your score. Airdrop will be held on June 11th if i am correct.

Score is increased by number of tokens a holder has as well.

Thank you

If you are still here reading this article, i appreciate you πŸ™.
If you have any questions please contact me here pounf (@pounf.eth) on Farcaster (

Consider minting my article if you felt that it helped you and share it to spread the word!

Kindest regards,

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