Ways A Pr Newswire Lies To You Everyday

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Ways A Pr Newswire Lies To You Everyday

PR Newswire is a great news source, but it no longer serves companies well. In fact, it's not even close to being a good source of business news anymore. Here are some reasons why:

You'll get wider distribution

PR Newswire is not an open network. It's a paid service that acts as a middleman between you and the publication you are trying to reach. You pay them a fee for the distribution of your press release and they distribute it onto their network, which includes thousands of news outlets around the world.

News wire services is not a media company like CNN or Fox News; they do not produce content or report news themselves (except when they do). They're simply an intermediary between advertisers/manufacturers/corporations who want coverage on their products' success and journalists who want access to those product launches/announcements in exchange for paying upfront fees every month."

You'll get better results

PR Newswire is not a good source for news. It's more of a distribution network, and the company has been bought by Cision newswire, which is another PR firm that has been lying to you about what they do all along.

Your content will go out to thousands of journalists

You might think that Ein Presswire is an independent organization, but it's not. It's owned by a group of companies with ties to Wall Street and government officials. This creates a conflict of interest in their reporting on the economy—they want to keep things positive so they don't lose business!

So what? If you're trying to get your content out there and make money off it, then why would anyone care? Well here's why: because most journalists only have one distribution list (their own private email address), meaning there's no guarantee that any given reporter will see your content unless they're already subscribed to whatever list they're on. And even then, sometimes it takes several days before someone responds or writes something back about what happened at an event where one person spoke about another subject matter outside her expertise area."

You'll save time

You'll save time by using Newswire, because it's a great tool for distributing news. But PR Newswire isn't a great tool for distributing news to journalists or the media.

You'll be listed alongside big brands

PR Newswire is a great place to get news about big brands. It's not just the fact that they have a lot of big brands listed on their site, but also because they give you access to all kinds of information regarding those brands and their products. If you're interested in learning more about what's going on with the marketing departments at companies like Adidas, Coca-Cola and McDonalds then PR Newswire can help by providing links back to those companies' websites.

When it comes down to it though—and this is important—there are two things you need to know about how PR Newswire works:

  • They don't always tell the truth; rather than just providing facts about a company or its products (like [company name] makes these awesome sneakers), they'll often try their best

PR Newswire was once a great news source, but it no longer serves companies well.

prnewswire used to be a great source for news about the media world, but it no longer serves companies well.

PR Newswire is not a good way to get your content out to the media or journalists. The best way for you to do this is through an online press release distribution service like Press Release Distribution or Press Release Distribution Pro — both of which will help you create and distribute an effective press release so that fewer journalists see it but more people read it!


We hope this article has helped you understand how PR Newswire operates and why it's no longer a good source for news. We also hope the information above has encouraged you to look at other sources of business-related news, like Infoseek and Snopes. The internet is filled with thousands of trustworthy websites that can help your company grow!

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